Details of a can - Suntory




  • Japan







SUNIUNTORY BREWED BY SUNTOR SREWED Bnd f d feom fino barley malt, Ce hags md puro slanch. RAFT BEER RAFT BEER ORAFIAFT BEEF DRAFT BEER 入あッ造阪ンル材 北リ 号有 Sinca T 1963 Since Since 1963 ず必 IT RY SUNTORY UN lerley malt, nd puro slarch. fom fine barley malt, ール 非熱処理 HEWED BY に。 BREWED 非熱処理。 BY SUNTO 250me 250 250me アルミニウム缶 REE R SUNTORY BEER QUALITY DRAFT BEER Our brewmaster's inspiration Canned in draft through mierofiltration 1.-ル 容量 250㎡ 原料:麦芽、ホップ、スターチ 大阪市北区堂島浜二丁目一 - 四O 製造所固有記号、製造年月自、 HU あき缶は必 すあき缶 入れかくすかこに

SUNIUNTORY BREWED BY SUNTOR SREWED Bnd f d feom fino barley malt, Ce hags md puro slanch. RAFT BEER RAFT BEER ORAFIAFT BEEF DRAFT BEER Iri-zukuri Hanru material North Li Issued Sinca T 1963 Since Since 1963 Must be IT RY SUNTORY UN lerley malt, nd puro slarch. fom fine barley malt, Le Non-heat treatment HEWED BY NS. BREWED Non-heat treatment. BY SUNTO 250me 250 250me Aluminum can REE R SUNTORY BEER QUALITY DRAFT BEER Our brewmaster's inspiration Canned in draft through mierofiltration 1.-Le capacity 250㎡ Ingredients: malt, hops, starch 2-1 Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka-Four O Factory-specific symbol, date of manufacture, HU A space can is a must Put it in
