Details of a can - Coop




  • Switzerland







Säureregulatr lator (E 331), Taurin (400 mg/100 ml), Farbstoffe (E 150d, (E 150d, E 150 E 150c), sirop de glucose-fructose, caféine (32 mg/100 ml), Zutaten: Wass, Wasser, Zucker, Sauerungsmittel (E 330, E 338), Kohlensäure, A.0848 888 444*, E 150c), Glucoe Glucose-Fructose-Sirup, Koffein (32 mg/100 ml), Vitamine *Nationaler Tarile Tarif Tarif national/Tariffa nazionale Boisson speciale peclale gazéifiée contenant de la caféine Info Service, ice, Postfach 2550, 4002 Basel Ingrédients: en, ents: eau, sucre, acidifiants (E 330, E 338), gaz carbonlque, correcteur d'acir d'acidité (E 331), taurine (400 mg/100 ml), colorants Coffelnhalige S liges Spezialgetränk, kohlensäurehaltig vitamines (niaie e (nacine, B 6, acide pantothénique, B 12), arôme, inositol. Hergestellt in l i den Niederlanden Fabriqué aux Pae aux Pays-Bas Kühl servieren erieren/Servir frais Bibita speciale pgeclale gassata con caffeina INFO Cop Coop PRIXIX Garantie tie INlacin, 86, Pa 6. Pantothensäure, B 12), Aroma, Inosit. t(niacine, B6, acide pantothénique, B 12), arôme, Inositol. 0OPROFIL 2 Dose/boite (250 ml): 6% 3% 10% 31% 0%) Wegen des erhöhten Coffeingehaltes nur in begrenzten Mengen konsumieren. Für FOODPROFI Nährwerte 0/Valen nerte 0/Valeurs nutritives moyente es moyennes Energygy Cola 100 ml Energie/energie 20ercie 200 kJ (48 kcal) (120 kcal Eiweiss/proteines Kohlenhydrate gaidate glucides davon Zucker ort uoker/dont sucres Fett/lipides davon gesåtigt dont acides grasdes gras saturés Nahrungsfasen ngtasem/ fibres alimentairesimentaires Natrium/sodiumnsodium Niacin/niacine hiacine Vitamin/vitamine tamine B6 Vitamin/vitamine itamine B12 Pantothensdurel ersdure acide pantothenatothénique %) des Richtwet ir 0,5g 1,3g Kinder, schwangere Frauen und coffein- Ashrotéines 11 g 27,5g empfindliche Personen nicht geeignet. Nicht 11g 27,5 g 0g 0g zusammen mit Alkohol mischen. gesatigte Fettsäuren/ 0g 0g 0%) A consommer avec modération compte 0% 10% 0g 0g % Dose/boite (250ml) tenu de la teneur élevée en caféine. 0,23g 0,09g 7,9 mg(19,8 mg 124% 2 mg Ne convient pas aux enfants, femmes enceintes et personnes sensibles à la caféine. Ne pas mélanger à de l'alcool. Energie Oca) 120 6% 5 mg 357% 5 pg 200% 2 ug Energy&Cola Cola 5 mg 83% 2 mg alcthetes für die Tageszufuhr/des repères nutritionnels Zucker/Sucres (27,5g 31% FetLipides Kühl servieren/ erieren/Servir frais Og 0% Gesättigte Fettsäuren Acides gras saturés Hergestellt in alt in den Niederlanden Fabriqué aux ra aux Pays-Bas (alu Og 0% des Richtwertes fir de Tageszufuhr des repères nutri- fones journaliers verkaufen bis vendre jusqu mindesters he etaufen bis: endre jusqu'au: indestens haltbar bis: Consommer préf. av.: siehe Boden voir fond consommer Coop 500 ml 1ce, Postfach 2550, 4002 Basel 848 888 444*, Info-Tel. 0848 DAT 25C REXAM H23741A

Acid regulator (E 331), Taurine (400 mg / 100 ml), Dyes (E 150d, (E 150d, E 150 E 150c), glucose-fructose syrup, caffeine (32 mg / 100 ml), Ingredients: Water, Water, Sugar, Acids (E 330, E 338), Carbonic acid, A.0848 888 444 *, E 150c), Glucoe Glucose-Fructose-Syrup, Caffeine (32 mg / 100 ml), Vitamins * National Tariff Tariff National tariff / Tariffa nazionale Boison special peclale gazéifiée container of the café Info Service, ice, PO Box 2550, 4002 Basel Ingredients: en, ents: water, sugar, acidifiers (E 330, E 338), carbon gas, Acidity corrector (E 331), taurine (400 mg / 100 ml), colorants Coffehalhalige S ligs special drink, carbonated vitamins (niaie e (nacine, B 6, pantothenic acid, B 12), aroma, inositol. Made in the Netherlands Made in the Netherlands Serve cool, serve / serve fresh Bibita special pgeclale gassata with caffeine INFO Cop Coop PRIXIX Warranty tie INlacin, 86, Pa 6. Pantothenic acid, B 12), Aroma, Inosit. t (niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, B 12), aroma, Inositol. 0OPROFIL 2 Dose / box (250 ml): 6% 3% 10% 31% 0%) Because of the increased Caffeine content only in limited quantities consume. For FOODPROFI Nutritional values 0 / Valen nerte 0 / Values average nutrition is average Energygy Cola 100 ml Energy / energy 20ercie 200 kJ (48 kcal) (120 kcal Proteins / proteins Carbohydrates gaidate glucides davon Zucker ort uoker / dont sucres Fats / lipids of which sweetly dont acid grass saturated grass Food phases ngtasem / dietary fiber Sodium / sodium sodium Niacin / niacine hiacine Vitamin / vitamin tamine B6 Vitamin / vitamin itamine B12 Pantothensdurel ersdure pantothenatothenic acid %) of the Directive ir 0.5g 1.3g Children, pregnant Women and caffeine- Ashrotéines 11 g 27.5g sensitive persons not suitable. Nothing 11g 27.5 g 0g 0g together with alcohol mix. saturated fatty acids / 0g 0g 0%) Consumer with moderation account 0% 10% 0g 0g % Dose / boite (250ml) tenu de la teneur elevated in café. 0.23g 0.09g 7.9 mg (19.8 mg 124% 2 mg Not suitable for children, women enceintes et personnes sensitive to the café. Do not mix to the alcohol. Energy Oca) 120 6% 5 mg 357% 5 pg 200% 2 ug Energy & Cola Cola 5 mg 83% 2 mg alcthetes für die Tageszufuhr / des repères nutritionnels Sugar / Sucres (27.5g 31% FetLipides Serve cool / serve / serve fresh And 0% Saturated fatty acids Saturated grass acids Made in the Netherlands Made in the Netherlands (alu And 0% of the direct value for the daily supply of nutrient- journalists phones sell to sell until mindesters he step up to: change until: indestens durable bis: Consommer pref. av .: see floor see background consommer Coop 500 ml 1ce, PO Box 2550, 4002 Basel 848 888 444 *, Info-Tel. 0848 DAT 25C REXAM H23741A
