Details of a can - Mong Lee Shang


Mong Lee Shang


  • Taiwan







净重4液然士 320公克 Boisson de Soja de perle(Saveur verte ha Sojabonen Drank(Groene boonaroma) Sojabohne Getränk(Grünes Bohne Aroma) Bebida de Soja(Sabor verde de haba) Nutrition Facts Valeur nutritive Per 240g Serving/par poruon de c4vy servings per container portions par contenant と萬里香香牌 (R MONG LEE SHANG Amount %Daily value quantité %Valeur quotidienne CALORIES/Calories 234 CALORIES FROM FAT 20 TRADE MARK Fat/Lipides 2g 4% TRADE MARK MARK BRAND Saturated Fat/Saturés 3g 17% 珍珠豆(奶 Trans/Trans 0g Cholesterol/Cholestérol Omg 0% Sodium/Sodium 71mg 3% arl Soybean Drink with Tapioca ball Carbohydrate/Glucides 49g Fiber/Fibres 15% 2g 10% Sugar/Sucres Protein/Protéines 24g 5g Vitamin A/ Vitamine A Vitamin C/Vitamine C Calcium/Calcium Iron/Fer 0% 0% 4% 7% "PERCENT DAILY VALUES ARE BASED ON A 2,000 CALORIE DIET.YOUR DAILY VALUES MAY BE HIGHER OR LOWER DEPENDING ON YOUR CALORIE NEEDS. 綠豆沙 Mung bean Flavour Nutrition Information Typical values per 100g Energy () |Protein (蛋白質) Carbohydrate碳水化合物 20g Total Fat( ) 406kJ/97.5kcal 2g 1g 香醇豆奶+00珍珠 Sojaborer Bebiuda Sojatohe S0jabonen Drank(Groene boonaroma SCADAUNANH TRANCHT AKNH SỬ PLEASE abohne Getrank(Grünes Bohne Aroma) Foids Net/ Peso Netol SUGGESTE ff.02.320g, 315ml Boisson de Soja de perle(Saveur verde Edharicot R Nete SM 夜益士320公克 察僅供參考 PRESENTATION ONLY RECYCLE EXPOP TER: DYI HON G CO., LTD GD2oyak,oroteine du lai Sojaboren, meik proteere oja, proteina de teche O Sojabohne,milchprotein day/Best Before Date/Tenminste Houdbaar Tot/ Cet on bottom of can/ Zie Verpakking/Ver Envase/ Siehe Verpackung 6Lno.22-1.Gan Gu St..Taipei, Taiw Product of/Produit de/ Producto de/Product van/ Produkt von: TAIWWAN 2703520192 改份:水、糖、粉圓、黃豆、綠豆、 奶精 ngredients:water74.65%,sugar10.6%,tapioca ball 7.8%,soybean 5%,mung bean1.3%,non-dairy creamer 0.65 ngredienten:water,suiker, tapiocabal,sojabonen,groene bonen,ongezuivelde room. Indrediénts:eau,sucre,balle de tapioca,soya,haricots verts.synthétique créme. redientes:a úcar.bolitas de tapioca,soja,haba v erde,leche de snatada. ten w asser, zucker.tapiokakugal,sojab ohne. grúne bohne.Unmolkorierter sahne

净重 4 然 然 士 320 公克 Pearl Soy Bean (Green Flavor Ha Soybean Beverage (Green Bean Flavor) Soybean Beverage (Green Bean Flavor) Bebida de Soja (Sabor verde de haba) Nutrition Facts Nutritive value Per 240g Serving / par c4vy poruon servings per container portions per container 牌 萬里 香香 牌 (R MONG LEE SHANG Amount % Daily value quantity % Daily value CALORIES / Calories 234 CALORIES FROM FAT 20 TRADE MARK Fat / Lipides 2g 4% TRADE MARK MARK BRAND Saturated Fat / Saturés 3g 17% 珍珠 豆 (奶 Trans / Trans 0g Cholesterol / Cholesterol Omg 0% Sodium / Sodium 71mg 3% arl Soybean Drink with Tapioca ball Carbohydrate / Glucides 49g Fiber / Fibers 15% 2g 10% Sugar / Sucres Protein / Proteins 24g 5g Vitamin A / Vitamin A Vitamin C / Vitamin C Calcium / Calcium Iron / Fer 0% 0% 4% 7% "PERCENT DAILY VALUES ARE BASED ON A 2,000 CALORIE DIET.YOUR DAILY VALUES MAY BE HIGHER OR LOWER DEPENDING ON YOUR CALORIE NEEDS. 沙 沙 Mung bean Flavor Nutrition Information Typical values per 100g Energy () Protein (蛋白質) Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 20g Total Fat () 406kJ / 97.5kcal 2g 1g +00 + Soybeans Bebiuda Soybeans Soybean Beverage (Green Bean Aroma SCADAUNANH TRANCHT AKNH SỬ PLEASE abohne drink (green bean aroma) Foids Net / Peso Netol SUGGESTED ff.02.320g, 315ml Pearl Soy Bean (Edharicot Green Flavor R Nete SM 益 益 士 320 公克 參考 僅供 參考 PRESENTATION ONLY RECYCLE EXPOPER: DYI HON G CO., LTD GD2oyak, orotein du lai Soybeans, milk protein oja, teche protein O Soybean, milk protein day / Best Before Date / At least Shelfable Until / Cet on bottom of can / See Packaging / Far Envase / See packaging 6Lno.22-1.Gan Gu St..Taipei, Taiw Product of / Product of / Producto de / Product van / Product by: TAIWWAN 2703520192 份 份: 水 、 糖 糖 、 粉 圓 、 黃豆 、 綠豆 奶精 Ingredients: water74.65%, sugar10.6%, tapioca ball 7.8%, soybean 5%, mung bean1.3%, non-dairy creamer 0.65 Ingredients: water, sugar, tapiocabal, soybeans, green beans, unrefined cream. Ingredients: water, sugar, ball of tapioca, soy, green beans.synthetic cream. redientes: a úcar.bolitas de tapioca, soja, haba v erde, leche de snatada. ten w asser, sugar.tapiokakugal, soy without. green bean.Unmolkorierter sahne
