Details of a can - Bochkarev




  • Russia







Temana Str, St. Petersburg, Russia, 193230. ПАСТЕРИЗОВАННОЕ. БОЧКАРЕВ воваренный ячменный светлый. mастивность начального сусла - 12 %. еая ценность в 100г. углеводы — 4,2г. атмеская ценность в 100г- 46 ккал ассервантов Хранить притемпературе oт 410'С до +20°С. redents: water, lager malt, barley, sugar, s Alchol by vol. not less than 4,5%. Con- r 05 500ml; 1 Pint.9 FL.OZ.; 16.9 FL.OZ. Bract content-12%. Nutrition informa- r 100g provide: Energy 46 Kcal, Carbohy- te 42 g. No preservatives. Keep at the temperature from +10°C to +20°C. Premium Quality SOYKAPEN н до-омотрите в верхней строке на рые банки. Дата розлива- смотри- Rиней строке на донышке банки. et before-see the upper line on the can totom Bottling date-see the lower line on the can bottom. реведено ООО Пивоварня Хейне- B20, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, Aаымана, д. 24, тел. (812) 326 85 85 CRIE and canned by Heineken Brewery, Светлое tel. (812) 326 85 85 DMBHOR IMBHON CKHA PREIS OLG PRAMIERT 1999 2001 AE 45 AL 0,5 n 12% 12-% 0,50 Алк. 4,5% об. REXAM 10N42BD17B TOCT P 51174-98 4601501 085402 COLDENER 2004 GECTMBAAL

Temana Str, St. Petersburg, Russia, 193230. PASTEURIZED. BOCHKAREV boiled light barley. the initial wort is 12%. its value is 100g. carbohydrates - 4.2 g. atme value in 100g - 46 kcal Preservatives Store at temperature from 410'С to + 20 ° С. redents: water, lager malt, barley, sugar, s Alchol by vol. not less than 4.5%. Con- r 05 500ml; 1 Pint. 9 FL.OZ .; 16.9 FL.OZ. Bract content-12%. Nutrition informa- r 100g provide: Energy 46 Kcal, Carbohy- te 42 g. No preservatives. Keep at the temperature from + 10 ° C to + 20 ° C. Premium Quality SOYKAPEN n do-go to the top line on rye banks. Bottling date- see- A line on the bottom of the can. et before-see the upper line on the can totom Bottling date-see the lower line on the can bottom. revised by Heine Brewery LLC - B20, Russia, St. Petersburg, Aayman, 24, tel. (812) 326 85 85 CRIE and canned by Heineken Brewery, Light tel. (812) 326 85 85 DMBHOR IMBHON CKHA PREIS OLG PRAMIERT 1999 2001 AE 45 AL 0.5 n 12% 12-% 0.50 Alc. 4.5% vol. REXAM 10N42BD17B TOCT P 51174-98 4601501 085402 COLDENER 2004 GECTMBAAL
