Details of a can - Jaffa Juice


Jaffa Juice


  • Netherlands







Best before end: see base of can Consumir preferentemente antes de ver fndo Mindestens haltbar bis Ende siene Dosenbo consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: vedi fondo Aconsommer de préférence avant lesVol fond enminste houdbaar tot einde: zie onderzide. ANANASSAFT PINEAPPLE JUICE ZUMO DE PIÑA MFT ICE NA SU SUCCO DI ANANAS ANANASSAP JUS D'ANANAS Jaffajuic ice Jai affajuice (R) AUS ANANASSAFTKONZENTRAT MADE FROM CONCENTRATED PINEAPPLE JUE DE PIÑA CONCENTRADO MENTRAT PINEAPPLE JUICE RADO A BASI DI CONSIDI CONCENTRATO DI SUCCO DI ANANAS UIT GECO UIT GECONCENTREERD ANANASSAP A BASE DE CASE DE CONCENTRE DE JUS D'ANANAS senbodena Da consu Tenmio A conson ver fgndo, minste houdbaar tot einde zie onderzijde. Consumir preferentemente antes de ver loro 25 cle 25cle INH. CONT. 25 CL 8.8 FL. OZ. e LIKO BV BODEGRAVEN-NL HOLLAND 87119190

Best before end: see base of can Consumir preferentemente antes de ver fndo Mindestens haltbar bis Ende siene Dosenbo consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: vedi fondo Aconsommer de préférence avant lesFull long distance Best before end: see below. pineapple juice PINEAPPLE JUICE ZUMO DE PIÑA MFT ICE AFTER SU SUCCO DI PINEAPPLE pineapple juice PINEAPPLE JUICE Jaffajuic ice Jai affajuice (R) AUS PINEAPPLE SAFTKONZENTRAT MADE FROM CONCENTRATED PINEAPPLE JUE THE PIÑA CONCENTRADO MENTRAT PINEAPPLE JUICE RADO A BASI DI CONSIDI CONCENTRATO DI SUCCO DI PINEAPPLE OFF CONCENTRATED PINEAPPLE JUICE A BASE DE CASE DE CONCENTER DE JUS D'ANANAS senbodena da consu Tenmio a conson far fgndo, Best before end see bottom. Consumir preferentemente antes de ver loro 25 cle 25cle INH. CONT. 25 CL 8.8 FL. OZ. e LIKO BV BODEGRAVEN-NL HOLLAND 87119190
