Details of a can - La Fontaine


La Fontaine


  • Netherlands







• AVEC UN ZESTE DE CITRON ET CITRON VERT WITH A TWIST OF LEMON AND LIME SPAR ARKLING La Fontaine ine Laa Fontaine e EAU PETILL ANTE ANTE SPAR RRKLING WATER 33d TRON VERT• WITHA LIKO FRISORANKEN BV, BOdegraven, Holland. Ingredlents Eau gazelfiee, aromes naturels de citron et citron vert. Ingredients: Carbonated water natural lemon and lime flavours, Zutaten: Kohlensaurehaltiges Wasser, natürliche Aromastoffe. Sans sucre.NO sugar added. Ohne Zucker. A consommer de preference avant fin: voir fond. Best before end: see base of can. Mindestens haltbar bls Ende: slehe Dosenboden. 8 "711900"000268> servir trais. Bast serve chiled. Kühi trinken,.

• WITH A ZESTE OF LEMON AND LEMON VERT WITH A TWIST OF LEMON AND LIME SAVE ARKLING La Fontaine ine Laa Fontaine and EAU PETILL ANTE ANTE SPAR RRKLING WATER 33d TRON VERT • WITHA LIKO FRISORANKEN BV, BOdegraven, The Netherlands. Ingredients Eau gazelfiee, natural aromas of lemon et citron vert. Ingredients: Carbonated water natural lemon and lime flavors, Ingredients: Carbonated water, natural flavorings. Sans sucre.NO sugar added. Without sugar. A consumption of preference before fin: see fond. Best before end: see base of can. Least durable page End: slehe Dosenboden. 8 "711900" 000268> servir trais. Bast serve chiled. Kühi trinken ,.
