Details of a can - Tiger




  • Poland







procentul de consumpțle zilnică recomanda wicku/Minőségét megőrz a dátumot és a gyártási sorozatszimot i Natrium-ditrát, koffein (32 mg/100 m) inozitol (20 mg/100 m Össtevők: viz, szachard, savamyds igot szabályozó szer drons, Wysoka zawartość kofeiny/ High caffeine content/ Conținut ridict d ConSuma de preferință înainte de: data şi numărul lotului de prodace Nalety spożyć do: đdata I numer partil spodzie pusakl/Bestbelt széndicacid, taurin (400 mg/100 ml), savanyúságot szabályond m aleina/ Vysoký obsah kofeinu/ Magas koffeintartalom (32mg/100m sunt marcate pe ambataj/ Spotřebovat do: viz datum a čislo larde i end: date and product lot number on the bottom of the can./As Wermészetazonos aroma, szinezék - ammorils karamel, vitaminok nach Caffeaffeine POWER ALTIVATION TON golecany sacaegolele sporo sle wmotonego orpnt samopocack PL TIGER Energy Drik memadherom, klerowcom pychicanego I fryczneg koncentracie przysplesza aI energla. Skad: woda, sacoroza, kwas cyoynowy iwasowold, dwutlenek wegla, teryna (400 mg/100 mf), cytyslat n mgulator kwasowoścd, kofeina (32 mg/100 ml), Inorytol (20 mg/100 womat Identyczny z naturalnym, barwnl lacyna, kwas pantotenowy witamina 86, ryboflawina, wicamina B12 PL karmel amonlakalny witan recommended lor por ased mental and physke ncratio USA TIGER Energy Drik managers, drivers and stud hoeases an organism's metabollsm lmproves gen hgredients water, sucrose, clric acd- addity regulator, carbon dok urine (400 mg/100 mi), sodium derate-acdity egulator, cafelae (2 me/ 100 ml), Inositol (20 mg/100 ml), nature-identical flavour, color- ammonia caramel, vitaminss nlacin, pantothenic acid, vitandn B6, rbula vitansin B12. RO TIGER Energy Drin managerflor, goferlor i sd putermic. creste randam oncentrare accelereaz pbic. Tiger Inseamnă putere egulator de acditate, diodd de carbon. Taurina (400 mg/100 mil), Inond de sodiu-regulator de additate, cafeh, (32 mg 100 ml), inotd (2 my/100 ml), aromat identic cu cef natural, colorant caramel anorick vitamine: niacină, acid pantoteonic, vitamina B6, riboflavină, vitanina 1 Distribultor pentru România: Rocon Importator: Rocon Disoiburion 200 SRL, Str. Atomistilor, nr. 141-149, Magurele, SAI, Romanla. Tel./lac 457 51 46/021 457 50 10 CZ TIGER Energy Drin manalery, Mdiče a stadenty plchuje vykonnost organ výménu depluje dobry achardza, kyselina citrónova- regalštor kyselosti, kysličnik uhlici, (H00 mg/100 ml), citronan sodny-regulator kyselosti, kofein (32 mg m, Inositol (20 mg/100 ml), arow identicky přirodni, bante amonlakový karamel, vitaminy nlaci, byselina pantotenová, vitan ribolavin, vitamin B12. H TIGER Energy Drink- & dakok számára javasolje nbvell a szervezet seljesit metabollus folyamatokat USA ped and energs andat In mod spedal sporis loadele unul elort pshic mã RO T ud la Imbunici Congnut: apl, zaharozi, add drk- ZEWSKI RECOMMENDED BY DAREK MICHALCZEWR witanhe Distrbay SRL, Se A 45751 Wartos odlywCza/ Nutritive value/ Valans Valoarea nutritiva a 100ml produs/ Vyživná hodno 100ml tápértéke Wartosć energetyczna/ Energetic value/ Valoa Vloarea energetica/ Nutriční hodnota/ Engeriazartam artame 208 k]/49 kcal, blałko/ Protein/ albumie bilkoviny/ fehérje: 0,17 g weglowodanywodany/ Carbohydrates/ carbohldrați/ uhlovodan szénhldrátok: 11,3 g, tłuszczl Fat/ gräsimi zsir 0,1 g. Witaminy/ Vitamins/ Vicamine Vitaminy/ Vitaminok: niacyna/ Niacn/ nac niacin/ niacin: 8,0 mg(44% ), h was pantotenowy/ Pantothenic acid/ ad Npantoteonic/ kyselina pantotenovál pan sav 2,0 mg (33%*), witamina Bó/ Vitanin vitamina Bo/ vitamin B6/ B6 vitamin: 20 (1006*), nyboflawina/Riboflavin/ ribofla ribofiavin/ riboflavin: 0,6 mg (38%*), w BI2/ Vitamin B12/ vitamina B12/ vitamin B B12 vitamin: 0,2ug (20%*). procent realizacji zalecanego dzienne spotycla/ Percent of recommended daily alu hodnota/ Cený phedevdim pro sporion psychické a fydcke simaly oncentrad urydhlaje li e sla a energle Slolent wdh tbumine/ ovodany/ n tuk/ Vitamine/ tacina/ sportolók, menedsevel, so pszichikal erőfesztés idejbee a koncentráció goot 1oerzetet. A Tger erd s ee ddl acid pantotén anin B6/ 20 mg tholavina/ amina tah B12/ antotén say, B6 vitamin, ribollavin, B12 vicamin. thennego ly incake andac/ divky/ Wysola Naleiy Wyprodukowano dla Gelwe Sp. z 0.0. 12-080 Zabierzów Volumul/ Obsah/ L. Spokojna 4 procent realtza ce doporučené denni d Javasolt napi vitarminszükséget százaléka. Pojemność/ Capacity/ 250 n Taun Burine Vitamins Caffeaffeine 0ml dob dobaz fedelén. Tartalom 05 BL 29 A TIGER 5 900552 014713 ENERGY DRINK

recommended percentage of consumer consumption wicku / Quality of the date and date of manufacture in Sodium ditrate, caffeine (32 mg / 100 m) and inositol (20 mg / 100 m Exceptions: viz, schardard, savamyds igot szabályozó szer drons, High caffeine content / High caffeine content / Conținut ridict d Conformum of preference name: date and number of the sale price Flights to: data I part number spodzie pusakl / Bestbelt sendicacid, taurine (400 mg / 100 ml), saline solution m aleina / High caffeine content / Magas caffeintartalom (32mg / 100m sunt marcate pe ambataj / Consume until: see date and number larde i end: date and product lot number on the bottom of the can./As Wermészetazonos aroma, blue cheese - caramel ammorils, vitamins after Caffeaffeine POWER ALTIVATION TON golecany sacaegolele sporo sle wmotonego orpnt samopocack PL TIGER Energy Drik memadherom, klerowcom pychicanego I fryczneg dust concentration aI energla. Damage: water, sucrose, cyano acid iwasowold, dwutlenek wegla, teryna (400 mg / 100 mf), cytyslat n acidity gulator, caffeine (32 mg / 100 ml), inorytol (20 mg / 100 Identical womat with natural, colored lacyna, pantothenic acid witamina 86, ryboflawina, wicamina B12 PL carmel ammoniacal welcome recommended lor por ased mental and physke ncratio USA TIGER Energy Drik managers, drivers and stud hoeases an organism's metabollsm lmproves gen hgredients water, sucrose, clric acd- addity regulator, carbon dok urine (400 mg / 100 mi), sodium derate-acdity egulator, cafelae (2 me / 100 ml), Inositol (20 mg / 100 ml), nature-identical flavor, color- ammonia caramel, vitamin nlacin, pantothenic acid, vitandn B6, rbula vitansin B12. RO TIGER Energy Drin managerflor, goferlor i sd putermic. creste randam accelerate concentration pbic. Tiger Insight put accelerator, carbon diode. Taurine (400 mg / 100 mils), Inond sodium additive regulator, coffee, (32 mg 100 ml), inotd (2 my / 100 ml), aromat identical with natural cef, colorant caramel anorick vitamins: niacin, pantoteonic acid, vitamin B6, riboflavin, vitanina 1 Distributor for Romania: Rocon Importer: Rocon Disoiburion 200 SRL, Str. Atomists, no. 141-149, Magurele, SAI, Romanla. Tel./lac 457 51 46/021 457 50 10 CZ TIGER Energy Drin manalery, Mdiče a stadenty seals the performance of the organ exchange deprives the good achardza, citric acid - acidity regulator, carbon dioxide, (H00 mg / 100 ml), sodium citrate-acidity regulator, caffeine (32 mg m, Inositol (20 mg / 100 ml), arow identically natural, bante ammoniacal caramel, nlaci vitamins, pantothenic acid, vitan ribolavin, vitamin B12. H TIGER Energy Drink- & thank you for your account nbvell to keep the service metabolite fluids USA ped and energs andat In mod spedal sporis loadele eult pshic mã RO T ud la Imbunici Congnut: apl, zaharozi, add drk- ZEWSKI RECOMMENDED BY DAREK MICHALCZEWR witanhe Distrbay SRL, Se A 45751 Wartos odlywCza / Nutritive value / Valans Valoarea nutritive and 100ml produs / Nutritional value 100ml paper Energetic value / Valoa Vloarea energetica / Nutritional value / Engeriazartam artame 208 k] / 49 kcal, blałko / Protein / albumie protein / white: 0.17 g w / w / Carbohydrates hens: 11.3 g, fat / fat zsir 0.1 g. Witaminy / Vitamins / Vicamine Vitamins / Vitamins: niacin / Niacn / nac niacin / niacin: 8.0 mg (44%), h was pantothenic acid / ad Npantoteonic / pantothenic acid pan sav 2.0 mg (33% *), vitamin Bó / Vitanin vitamin Bo / vitamin B6 / vitamin B6: 20 (1006 *), nyboflawina / Riboflavin / ribofla ribofiavin / riboflavin: 0.6 mg (38% *), w BI2 / Vitamin B12 / vitamin B12 / vitamin B Vitamin B12: 0.2ug (20% *). percent of realized daytime implementation spotycla / Percent of recommended daily alu Value/ Price phedevdim for sporion psychic and fydcke simaly oncentrad urydhlaje li e sla a energle Slolent wdh tbumine / ovodany / n tuk / Vitamin / tacina / sportswear, meningevel, so psychological reproduction idejbee the concentration of goot 1st floor. A Tger erd s ee ddl acid pantothene anin B6 / 20 mg tholavina / amina move B12 / antotein say, vitamin B6, ribollavin, vicine B12. thennego ly incake andac / girls / Wysola Naleiy Produced for Gelwe Sp. of 0.0. 12-080 Zabierzów Volumul / Contents / L. Satisfied 4 percent realtza ce recommended daily d Javasolt is a source of vitamin fruit. Capacity 250 n Taun Burine Vitamins Caffeaffeine 0ml dob dobaz fedelén. Tartalom 05 BL 29 A TIGER 5 900552 014713 ENERGY DRINK
