Details of a can - Coca-cola




  • Taiwan







其點數。社上身路 樂點數、 紅上身搶指古機 場憶丹機 點數。 Coke ロ 第一重喝, 多 集越多 沒位相機」、「走紅 你通通紅上身 集點+ $,限量「逗 背包」 「哈酷徽章」 第二重直昇 酷炫之旅 集點數冠群雄,就 和你那一掛的共同努 能一起搶搭直昇機,盡逗陣紅上天 將罐身貼紙貼在「可口可樂」超集卡上,附 上加價金額的郵局劃撥單收據影本(劃撥帳 號:19669310 份有限公司) 「逗陣集點逗陣紅」活動小組即可。 上述贈品兌換期間至2002年8月31日止 戶名:群策行銷發展服務股 寄到台北郵政55-551號信箱 00018 贈品以實物為準華, 數量有限,先到先得 詳細活動辦法請見活動海報或「可口可樂」 樂 「逗陣集點逗陣紅查詢熱線:(02)8789-0209 CocaCola Coca-Cola 哈酷徽章 6點+49元 走紅背包 12點+299元 短陣數位相機 24點+1209元 い710018 000102 355ml 「可口可樂」碳酸酸飲料成份:碳酸水、高果糖糖漿、焦糖、磺酸、天然香料(含咖啡因)。 可口可樂公司授受權台灣太古可口可樂股份有限公司在中華民國製造和分銷 「可口可樂」COCA-COLACOKE"及弧形圖案是可口可樂公司的註冊商標。 © 2002 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 桃園廠地址:桃園市龜山工業區興邦路46號 貨物稅統一編號: (N)5412706209 高雄廠地址:高雄縣燕 鄉安招村新曆巷17-24號 物稅統一 編號: (S)5477400106有效日期標示於議底 M A 0800311789 oD ut tw 保存期限:1年

Its points. She Shangshen Road Music points, The red upper body grabs the finger of the ancient machine Field Yidanji Points. Coke Ro First drink, more episodes more No camera", "popular You're all red Collection point + $, limited edition Backpack" "Haku badge" Second Helicopter Cool Journey Set points to crown the best, just And the one with you Able to grab a helicopter together and make the sky amused Stick the can body sticker on the ``Coca-Cola'' superset card, with A copy of the post office transfer receipt for the amount of the mark-up (transfer No.: 19669310 Co., Ltd.) The activity group of "Comfortable Array, Dot Make a Array of Red" is enough. The redemption period for the above gifts is until August 31, 2002 Account Name: Group Marketing Development Service Unit Mail to Taipei Post Box No. 55-551 00018 The gifts are based on the actual products, Limited quantity, first come first served Please refer to the event poster or "Coca-Cola" for the details of the event happy ``Dianzhuanji Dianzhuanhong Enquiry Hotline: (02) 8789-0209 CocaCola Coca-Cola Haku badge 6 points + 49 yuan Popular backpack 12 points +299 yuan Short-array digital camera 24 points + 1209 yuan い710018 000102 355ml "Coca-Cola" carbonated beverage ingredients: carbonated water, high fructose syrup, caramel, sulfonic acid, natural flavors (including caffeine). The Coca-Cola Company authorized the Taiwan Swire Coca-Cola Co., Ltd. to manufacture and distribute in the Republic of China "COCA-COLACOKE" and the curved pattern are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. © 2002 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Taoyuan Factory Address: No. 46, Xingbang Road, Guishan Industrial Zone, Taoyuan City, unified excise number: (N)5412706209 Kaohsiung Factory Address: No. 17-24, Xinli Lane, Anzhao Village, Yan Township, Kaohsiung County Unified Property Tax No.: (S)5477400106 The effective date is marked on the bottom of the negotiation M A 0800311789 oD ut tw Shelf life: 1 year
