Details of a can - Sumol




  • Portugal







do Valor Diário de R Leicht Kohlensärehaltig/Légèrement Gent Gazéifiée. ORIGINAL LARANJA ORANGE - ORANGENANGEN LARANJA ORANGE Energia Enerģie 142 kcal DE SUMO E POLPA DE LARAN AVEC JUS ET PULPE D'ORANGE 7% Referencia Informação por / par 100ml: Energia / / Protéines: Og: Hidratos de / dos dont sucres: 10,6g; Lipidos : 0g; dos ácidos gordos des valeurs de un de 2.000 kcal P Consumir de DE SUMO Sumol|www.sumol pt DE LARANJA. do calor. Cette boite do Valor Dr de la Valeut ECOPONTO contém AMARELO Açúcares Lipidos Saturados Sódio Sucres Esta lata de 330ml contém /Cette boîte de 330ml contient Energia Enerģie Lipides Saturés Sodium 60 %0 20,33L 142 kcal 7S11E08B REXAM %0 %0 7% %61 Ingredientes: Água gaseificada, sumo e polpa de laranja Sans cotorantsnt conservateurs Prote aerd (10%), acicar dos vaiores diərios d e retere ncia para um a dieta des valeurs Quotidiennes de Référence pour un régime de 000 do calor. fond BOISSON AU JU S D'ORANGE 00ede glucose-frutose, requtador dee acidez:acido citrico, aroma e antioxidarnte: ácido ascorbico CR DE LARANJA. Sem corantes nem conservantes. Proteger Ingrédients: Eau gazéifiée, jus et pulpe d'orange (10%), sucre, sirop de glucose-fructose, acidifiant: acide citrique aleur. antioxygène: acide ascorbique. OB Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Verpackung ORANGENSAFTGETRÄNK. Ohne Farbstofhe et Konservierungsmittel. Vor Wärme schützen. Zutaten: Wasser mit Kohlensäure, Orangensaft und Fruchtfleisch (10%).7ch Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, Aroma und Antioxidationsmittel: Ascorbinsäure. Sa r før/Bäst före: Se under APPELSINJUICEDRIKK/APELSINJUSDRYCK. Inneholder/Innehåller ingen/inga farvestoffer/fargämner og/och konserveringsmiddel/konserveringsmedel. Holdes borte fra varme/Ställ det inte i närheten av en yärmekälla. Ingredienser: Kullsyrevann/Vatten med kolsyra, appelsinjuice/apelsinjus og/och fruktkjøtt/fruktkött (10%), sukker/socker, og/och glukose-fruktosesirup/glukos-fruktossirap. Syreregulerende middel/ Syrareglerande medel: Sitronsyre/Gitronsyra, smakstilsetninger/smaksätts og/och antioksidant: askorbinsyre/antioxidationsmedel: askorbinsyra.G Te gebruiken võór. zie onderkant. DRANKJE MET SÍNAASAPPELSAP. Vrij van kleurstoffen en bewaarmiddelen. Uit de buurt van warmte houden. - Ingrediënten: koolzuurhoudend water, sinaasappelsap en-pulp (10%), suiker, glucose-fructosesiroop, zuurteregelaar. citroenzuur, smaakstof en antioxidant: ascorbinezuur. T Da consumarsi entro: vedere il fondo BEVANDA AL SUCO D'ARANCIA. Non contiene coloranti né conservanti. Tenere lontano dal calore. Ingredienti: Acqua addizionata di anidride carbonid bico. e polpa d'arancia (10%), zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, regolatore di acidità: acido citrico, aromi e antiossidante: acido 0g Informação Nutricional por / Information Nutritionnelle par 100ml: Energia / Energie: 43kcal (183kJ); Proteínas /Proegor saturados / dont saturés: Og; Fibra /Fibres Alimentaires: Og; Sódio / Sodium: 0g. sumol +compal Estrada da Portela, 9. 2790-124 Camaxide Portugal

do Valor Diário de R Slightly carbonated / Légèrement Gent Gazéifiée. ORIGINAL LARANJA ORANGE - ORANGENANGEN LARANJA ORANGE Energy Energy 142 kcal DE SUMO E POLPA DE LARAN WITH JUICE AND ORANGE PULP 7% Reference Information by / by 100ml: Energy / / Proteins: Og: Sugar hydrates / doses: 10.6g; Lipids: 0g; acid acids gordos of values of one of 2,000 kcal P Consume of DE SUMO Sumol | www.sumol pt DE LARANJA. do calor. This box to Valor Dr de la Valeut ECOPONTO contém AMARELO Açúcares Lipidos Saturados Sódio Sucres This 330ml container latte / This 330ml container box Energy Energy Lipids Saturated Sodium 60 % 0 20.33L 142 kcal 7S11E08B REXAM % 0 % 0 7% % 61 Ingredients: Gasified water, sumo and pulp of orange Sans cotorantsnt conservateurs Prote aerd (10%), acicar two daily diets to retire for diet of Daily Values of Reference for a regime of 000 do calor. fond BOISSON AU JU S D'ORANGE Glucose-fructose, acidifier: citric acid, aroma and antioxidant: ascorbic acid CR DE LARANJA. I do not keep the currents. Proteger Ingredients: Gauzei juice, juice and orange pulp (10%), sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, acidifying: acid citric acid. antioxidant: ascorbic acid. OB At least durable until: see packaging ORANGE JUICE BEVERAGE. Without dyes et Preservatives. Protect from heat. Ingredients: Water with carbonation, orange juice and pulp (10%). 7ch Glucose-fructose syrup, acidifying agents: citric acid, flavoring and antioxidants: ascorbic acid. Sa r before / Best before: See under ORANGE JUICE DRINK / ORANGE JUICE DRINK. Contains / Contains no / no dyes / dyes and / or preservative / preservative. Keep away from heat / Do not place near a source of heat. Ingredients: Carbonated water / Carbonated water, orange juice / orange juice and / or pulp / pulp (10%), sugar / sugar, and / or glucose-fructose syrup / glucose-fructose syrup. Acid-regulating agent / Acid-regulating agent: Citric acid / Gitric acid, flavoring agents / flavored and / or antioxidant: ascorbic acid / antioxidant: ascorbic acid.G Te gebruiken võór. see bottom. DRINK WITH ORANGE JUICE. Free of dyes and preservatives. Keep away from heat. Ingredients: carbonated water, orange juice and pulp (10%), sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, acidity regulator. citric acid, flavor and antioxidant: ascorbic acid. T From consumer consumption: see the BEVANDA fund at SUCO D'ARANCIA. Does not contain colorants or preservatives. Tenere lontano dal calore. Ingredients: Acqua addition of bicarbonate anide. and orange pulp (10%), sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, acidity regulator: citric acid, aroma and antioxidant: acid 0g Nutritional Information by 100ml Nutritional Information: Energy: 43kcal (183kJ); Protein / Proegor saturated / dont saturated: Og; Fibra / Fibers Alimentaires: Og; Sodium: 0g. sumol + compal Estrada da Portela, 9. 2790-124 Camaxide Portugal
