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  • Netherlands







n concentrate (1,6%), honey, natural flavouring, carrot juice from www.drinkarizona groene thee-extracl en gr ee-extract en granaatappel Ingrediênten: water, suiker, appelsap ut (GB) REFRESHING DRINLRESHING DRINK, with green tea extract and pomegranate Wasser, Zucker, Aptelsah icker, Apfelsaft aus Apfelsaftkonzentrat (3,4%), Granatapfelsaftaus concentraat (3,4%), great(3,4%), granaatappelsap uit concentraat (1,6%), honing, naturlijke Grantapfelsaftkonzentra (satkonzentrat (1,6%), Honig, natūrliches Aroma, Karottensaft aus citric acid; Best before se Best before: see bottom of can (NL) VERFRISSENDE DRANK, met (AT/DE/CH) ERFRISCHUNS ERFRISCHUNGSGETRANK, Typ Grūntee Granatapfel Zutaten: water, sugar, apple juice from concentrate (3,4%), pomegranate Produced by DIS BV, 6 OS BV, 6130 AC Sittard, preferencia antes de vej a antes de: veja abaixo concentrate, green tea ect green tea extract (0,05%), antioxidant: ascorbic acid, acidifier: ur, zuurteregelaar: citroenzuur; Tenminste houdbaar tot: zie bodem aroma, wortelsap uit concartelsap uit concentraat, groene thee extract (0,05%), antioxidant RIGINAL A AriZona POMEGRANATE PO Green Tea İngredients: water, sugu juice from concentrate (1 ascorbinezuur, zuurteregee Karottensaftkonzentrat onzentrat, Grüntee-Extrakt (0,05%), Antioxidationsmittel: Ascorbinsăure, Saueru e, Săuerungsmittel: Citronensaure; Enthält Koffein und Honia Fir Kinder unter 2 Jahren (FR) BOISSON RAFRAÍCSON RAFRAÎCHISSANTE, aux extraits de thé vert et grenade . Ingrédients: eau, suCre, t eau, Sucre, jus de pomme à base de concentré (3,4%), jus da grenade à base de con se de concentré (1,6%), miel, arôme naturel, jus de carotte à base de concentré, extrait de extrait de thé vert (0,05%), antioxydant: acide ascorbique, acidifiant: acide citrique taide citrique; A consommer avant: voir ci-dessous (IT) BEVANDA ANALCOLICA, con estrlsUCA, con estratto di tè verde e melograno Ingredienti acqua, Zucchero, succo di mela daa succo di mela da concentrato (3,4%), succo di melograno da concentrato (1,6%), miet to (1,6%), miele, aroma naturale, succo di carota da concentrato, estratto di tè verde (0,05% t verde (0,05%), antiossidante: acido ascorbico, regolatore di acidità: acido citrico, Da do citrico; Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: vedi sotto; IT: non disperdere nell' ambent a elf mbiente (ES) BEBIDA REFRESCANTE, con extracto de té verde y granada Ingrediemes a ngredientes: agua, azúcar, zumo de manzana a base de concentrado (3,4%), zumo de granat zamo de granada a base de concentrado (1,6%), miel, aroma natural, zumo de zanahoria a bese tzanahoria a base de concentrado, extracto de té verde (0,05%), antioxidante: ácido asoitie acido ascórbico, corrector de acidez: ácido cítrico; Consumir pret antes del: ver base de la le ver base de la lata (PT) BEBIDA REFRESCANTE, com extracto de chi verde e romä • Ingrede Ingredientes: água, açúcar, sumo de maçã proveniente de concentrado (3,4%), Sn (,4%), sumo de romā proveniente de concentrado (1,6%), me aroma natural, sumo de c , Sumo de cenoura proveniente de concentrado, extracto de cha verde (0,05%), antionia3) antioxidante: ácido ascórbico, acidificante: ácido cinor 0do citrico; A consumir de lahren nicht geeignet; Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Unterseite ORIGINAINAL SHAKE WELL Visit us al SHAKE WELL Visit us at POMEGRAANATE Great Hotl OAL NFORMATION per 100ml Green Tea NUTRITIONAL INFORMATON ENERGY PROTEIN. CARBOHYDRATES FAT 128 kJ/30 kcal AriZone 0,1g 8g 0,1g CATES AMERICANCOMPANY Netherlands 355mlemle REXAM No Artificial Preservatives No Artificial Colour Only with Natural Flavour

n concentrate (1.6%), honey, natural flavoring, carrot juice from www.drinkarizona green tea extract and gr ee extract and pomegranate Ingredients: water, sugar, apple juice (GB) REFRESHING DRINLRESHING DRINK, with green tea extract and pomegranate Water, sugar, apple cider vinegar, apple juice from apple juice concentrate (3.4%), pomegranate juice concentrate (3.4%), great (3.4%), pomegranate juice from concentrate (1.6%), honey, natural Pomegranate juice concentrates (sat concentrate (1.6%), honey, natural aroma, carrot juice citric acid; Best before se Best before: see bottom of can (NL) REFRESHING DRINK, met (AT / DE / CH) REFRESHING REFRESHING BEVERAGE, Type Green Tea Pomegranate Ingredients: water, sugar, apple juice from concentrate (3.4%), pomegranate Produced by DIS BV, 6 OS BV, 6130 AC Sittard, preference antes de vej to antes de: veja abaixo concentrate, green tea ect green tea extract (0.05%), antioxidant: ascorbic acid, acidifier: ur, acid regulator: citric acid; At least durable until: see bottom aroma, carrot juice from concealer juice from concentrate, green tea extract (0.05%), antioxidant RIGINAL A AriZona POMEGRANATE PO Green Tea Ingredients: water, sugu juice from concentrate (1 ascorbic acid, acid regee Carrot juice concentrate concentrated, Green tea extract (0.05%), Antioxidants: Ascorbic acid, Saueru e, Acids: Citric acid; Contains caffeine and Honia Fir Children under 2 years (FR) RAFRAÍCISSON BOISSON RAFRAÎCHISSANTE, with extracts of green tea and pomegranate. Ingredients: water, suCre, t water, Sucre, concentrated apple juice (3.4%), juice of concentrated pomegranate with concentrated (1.6%), flour, natural aroma, base carrot juice of concentrated, extract of green tea extract (0.05%), antioxidant: ascorbic acid, acidifier: citric acid citric acid; To consume before: see below (IT) BEVANDA ANALCOLICA, con estrlsUCA, con estratto di tè verde e melograno Ingredienti acqua, Sugar, melo flour from flour flour concentrate (3.4%), melogro flour from concentrate (1.6%), miet to (1.6%), flour, natural aroma, succot carotene concentration, green tea (0.05% green tea (0.05%), antioxidant: ascorbic acid, regulator of acidity: citric acid, Da do citrico; Da consumarsi preferrible entro il: vedi sotto; IT: non disperse nell 'ambent a elf mbiente (ES) BEBIDA REFRESCANTE, con extracto de té verde and granada Ingredients and ingredients: water, sugar, orange juice and a base of concentrate (3.4%), pomegranate juice zamo pomegranate base (1.6%), flour, natural flavor, zumo de zanahoria a bese tzanahoria a bed de concentrado, extracto de té verde (0.05%), antioxidant: ascorbic acid ascitic acid, acid corrector: citric acid; Consume pret antes del: ver base de la le ver base de la lata (PT) BEBIDA REFRESCANTE, com extracto de chi green and roma • Ingredients Ingredients: water, sugar, sum of maize obtained from concentrated (3.4%), Sn (.4%), sum of the most concentrated roma (1.6%), me natural aroma, sum of c, sum of cenoura obtained from concentrate, extract of tea green (0.05%), antionia3) antioxidant: ascorbic acid, acidifying: citric acid 0do citrico; To consume de teaching not suitable; At least durable until: see bottom ORIGINAINAL SHAKE WELL Visit us al SHAKE WELL Visit us at POMEGRAANATE Great Hotl OAL NFORMATION per 100ml Green Tea NUTRITIONAL INFORMATON ENERGY PROTEIN. CARBOHYDRATES FAT 128 kJ / 30 kcal AriZone 0.1g 8g 0.1g CATES AMERICANCOMPANY Netherlands 355mlemle REXAM No Artificial Preservatives No Artificial Color Only with Natural Flavor
