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Timm S


  • Belgium







sacharine. Belgisch bier met Lambic en s (cerises 13,5%; sureaux 1,5%), malt d'orge, arômes, houblon, antioxydant: E 300, beer with Lambic andic and cherry, flavoured. Ingredients: water, (krieken 13,5%; vietevierbessen 1,5%), gerstemout, suiker, tarwe, Bière belge au Lamb Lambic et cerises, aromatisée. Ingrédients: eau, jus de fruits (ce by Timmermmans Fruit & Beßeer matiseerd. Ingrediënten: water, vruchtensap aroma's, hop, antouoxidant: E 300, zoetstof: sacharine. Belgian TIMMS. sucre, froment, a édulcorant: sacchar krieken, gearomatise rômes, houblon, antioxydant: E 30 tiseerd. Ingrediênten: water, vruchtensan beer with Lambic an and cherry, flavoured. Ingredients: water, fruit juice (cherries 13,5%; elderberries 1,5%), barley malt. sugar, wheat, fla favourings, hops, antioxidant: E 300, sweetener: saccharine ciliegi. Ingredient: t acqua, succo di frutta (ciliegi 13,5%; sambuco 1,5%), mal aito d'orzo, zucchero, frumento, aromi, luppolo, antiossidansidante: E 300, dolcificante: saccarina. Cerveza belga tipo Laino Lambic al aroma de cerezas. Ingredien- tes: agua, zumo de fo de frutas (cerezas 13,5%; saúco 1,5%), malta de cebada, azúca, tia, trigo, aromatizantes, lúpulo, antioxidante: E 300, edulcorante: sie sacarina. Cerveja belga de Lambic e com aroma de cerejas. ejas. Ingredientes: água, sumo de frutas (cerejas 13,5% sahu abugueiro 1,5%), malte de cevada, açúcar, trigo, aromas, lupul lúpulo, antioxidante: E 300; adulcorante: sacarina. Belgisches isches Lambic-bier mit Kirschen. Zutaten: Wasser, Fruchtsaft K sat (Kirschen 13,5%; Holunderbeeren 1,5%), Gerstenmalz, Zucke ucker, Weizen, Aromen, Hopfen, Antioxida- tionsmittel: E 300, SOA00, Sußstoff: Saccarin. Avec sucre et édulcora alcorant / Met suiker en zoetstof / With sugar and sweetener / Con zuche uchero e dolcificante / Con azúcar y edulcorante / Contém açúcare ar e edulcorante/ Mit Zucker und Süßstoff harine. Birra belga al Lambic e all'aroma di Krieth Alc.4% Vol 25 CL E Finert Be election y Timmermamans MERMANS 250 25 CLe KERKSTRAAT, 11-1701 BELGIË - BELGIQUE -B BR. TIMMERMANS -701 ITTERBEEK ongur-BELGIUM Alc. 4% Vol. SA92M1 SC REXAM TIMMS MA S.NI H23085C 381492 K,0 00,9 A consommer avant: voir dessous/Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie onderkant/Best before: see base/Mindestens haltbar bis: Siehe Unterseite/Consumnir preferentemente: ver el fondo del envase/ Da consumare preferibilmente prima del: vedere sotto/ Consumir antes de: ver fundo

saccharin. Belgian beer with Lambic and s (cerises 13.5%; sureaux 1.5%), malt d'orge, aromas, houblon, antioxidant: E 300, beer with Lambic andic and cherry, flavored. Ingredients: water, (crickets 13.5%; vieterberbes 1.5%), barley malt, sugar, wheat, Belgian beer at Lamb Lambic and cherries, flavored. Ingredients: water, fruit juice (ce by Timmermmans Fruit & Better matized. Ingredients: water, fruit juice aromas, hops, antioxidant: E 300, sweetener: saccharin. Belgian TIMMS. sucre, froment, a édulcorant: sacchar creaking, flavored rômes, houblon, antioxidant: E 30 tised. Ingredients: water, fruit san beer with Lambic an and cherry, flavored. Ingredients: water, fruit juice (cherries 13.5%; elderberries 1.5%), barley malt. sugar, wheat, fla favourings, hops, antioxidant: E 300, sweetener: saccharine ciliegi. Ingredient: t acqua, succo di frutta (ciliegi 13.5%; sambuco 1.5%), mal aito d'orzo, zucchero, frumento, aromi, magnifying glass, antioxidant: E 300, brightener: saccharin. Belgian beer type Laino Lambic to the aroma of peaches. Ingredients tes: water, fruit juice (cherries 13.5%; sauce 1.5%), malt de cebada, azúca, tia, trigo, aromatizantes, lupulo, antioxidant: E 300, edulcorante: sie sacarina. Belgian Lambic Beer and com aroma of cereals. ejas. Ingredients: water, fruit juice (cerejas 13,5% sahu abugueiro 1,5%), malte de cevada, açúcar, trigo, aromas, lupul lupulo, antioxidant: E 300; adulcorante: sacarina. Belgian Lambic beer with cherries. Ingredients: Water, fruit juice K sat (cherries 13.5%; raspberries 1.5%), Barley malt, sugar cane, wheat, flavorings, hops, antioxidants agents: E 300, SOA00, sweetener: saccharin. Avec sucre et édulcora alcorant / Met suiker en zoetstof / With sugar and sweetener / Con zuche uchero e dolcificante / Con azúcar y edulcorante / Contém açúcare ar e edulcorante / Mit Zucker und Süßstoff harine. Belgian beer at Lambic and aroma di Krieth Alc.4% Vol 25 CL E Finert Be election and Timmermamans MERMANS 250 25 CLe KERKSTRAAT, 11-1701 BELGIUM - BELGIUM -B BR. TIMMERMANS -701 ITTERBEEK young-BELGIUM Alc. 4% Vol. SA92M1 SC REXAM TIMMS MA S.NI H23085C 381492 K, 0 00.9 A consommer avant: voir dessous / At least houdbaar tot: zie onderkant / Best before: see base / Mindestens haltbar bis: Siehe Unterseite / Consumnir preferably: see the bottom of the envelope / To consume preferably first of: see below / Consume antes of: see bottom
