Details of a can - Tao




  • Belgium







Kombucha in T Tao Energy uplifts you after a meal and is the ideal groene koffiebore amines: C, B3, B5, B6, B1, B12, Guarana-extract, aroma's. the erntre book Combined with Vitamins, Guarana and green coffee bears Teneur eleve en cafaine ( 25 mg/100 ml). Ingrédients: Eau gazéfiée, jus de fruits Guarana lana, Rosehip, Vitamins BB and C te 25 mg/100 ml). Ingredienten: Sprankelend water, geconcentreerd stimulantng prolonged study periods, meetings and car journeys. (geconcentrede ementeerde thee), ciderazijn, voedingszuren: citroenzuur, melkzu, 5appelsap, druivensap, perensap), fruitextracten, Kombucha-extract antioxidant ascortineinezuur, rozenbottelextract, vlierbessenextract, natuurlijke cafeine van ergy' is e delicious, refreshing and Teo Enern energizing Chinese f ies for ts beneficial InVigorating action through GLYCEMIC LOW Hoog cafelne vruchtensep mi GI CERTIFIED R concentre Imin 12.5%) (us de pomme, jus de raisin, jus de poire), extrait de fruits extrait de Komb ha lconcentré de thé fermenté), vinaigre de cidre, acidifiants: acde citrique, acde ique, antioxidant: acide ascorbique, extrait d'églantier, extrait de bale de surea cafaline naturelle de grain de cafe vertuanines: C, B3, B5, B6, B1,612 rat de Guarana, Drank met natuurlljke planten en fruitextracten /Boisson aux extralts de fruits et de végétaux naturels Sweetened with fruit extracts only Voedingswaarde per/Valeur nutritive par 100m Energetische waarde/Valeur énergétique Eiwitten/Protéines Koolhydraten/Glucides Waarvan suikers / Dont sucres Vetten/Lipides Waarvan verzadigde vetzuren/ Dont acides gras saturés bedingsvezels/ Fibres alimentaires SodSodium 127 kJ (30 kcal <0,10 No preservatives No artificial colorants <0,1g <0,020 9mg (15%ADHAR" 2,7mg,0,9mg.0,3mg,0,21mg,0,15ug(15%4ADHAR n frut. "Aanbevolen dagelijkse hoevoelheid/Apports journaliers recommes VESRB 3,5,6,1,12 1m bevat / contient: Sukers Vetten erzadigd ve Natium Sucres Upides okdes saterts Sodlum 18g <0.1g <0.1g <0.02g 20 Os NUT/PL 7843 O% source of antioxidants Inh. /Cont 250 mle T9FF08D E de Dygelliks Voevdingsrichtlljn (GDAY M Papres Houtritionnels Journallers (GDA) 9 benin van/Sur bese de 2000 kcal rota houdbeer tot; zle bodem/ oonsommer de prêférence avant: volr fond Taois a registered trademark, Produced by Bibco, Industrielaan 16-20, 1740 Ternat-Belgium Kombucha, Guarana Hana, Rosehip, Vitamins BB and C INDEX energy

Kombucha in T Tao Energy uplifts you after a meal and is the ideal green coffeebore amines: C, B3, B5, B6, B1, B12, Guarana extract, aromas. the erntre book Combined with Vitamins, Guarana and green coffee bears Teneur eleve and caffeine (25 mg/100 ml). Ingredients: Eau gazéfiée, fruit juice Guarana lana, Rosehip, Vitamins BB and C to 25 mg/100 ml). Ingredients: Sparkling water, concentrated stimulant prolonged study periods, meetings and car journeys. (concentrated tea), cider vinegar, food acids: citric acid, lactic acid, 5 apple juice, grape juice, pear juice), fruit extracts, Kombucha extract antioxidant ascortic acid, rosehip extract, elderberry extract, natural caffeine from ergy' is e delicious, refreshing and Teo Enern energizing Chinese f ies for ts beneficial InVigorating action through GLYCEMIC LOW high caffeine fruit juice mi GI CERTIFIED R concentre Imin 12.5%) (us de pomme, jus de raisin, jus de poire), extrait de fruits extrait de Komb ha lconcentré de thé fermenté), vinaigre de cidre, acidifiants: acde citrique, acde ique, antioxidant: acide ascorbique, extrait d'églantier, extrait de bale de surea cafaline naturelle de grain de cafe vertuanines: C, B3, B5, B6, B1,612 rat de Guarana, Drink with natural plants and fruit extracts /Boisson aux extralts the fruits et de vegétaux naturels Sweetened with fruit extracts only Nutritional value per/Valeur nutritive par 100m Energetic value/Valeur energétique Proteins/Proteins Carbohydrates/Glucides Of which sugars / Dont sucres Fats/Lipides Of which saturated fatty acids/ Dont acides gras saturés bedding fibres/ Fibers alimentaires SodSodium 127 kJ (30 kcal <0.10 No preservatives no artificial colorants <0.1g <0.020 9mg (15%ADHAR" 2.7mg,0.9mg.0.3mg,0.21mg,0.15ug(15%4ADHAR a fruit. "Recommended daily amount/Aports journalists recommes VESRB 3,5,6,1,12 1m contains / continent: Sugars Fats saturated ve Natium Sucres Upides okdes saterts Sodlum 18g <0.1g <0.1g <0.02g 20 Os NUT/PL 7843 O% source of antioxidants cont. /Cont 250 ml T9FF08D E the Dygelliks Nutrition Directive (GDAY M Papres Houtritionnels Journallers (GDA) 9 benin of/Sur bese de 2000 kcal rota keep up to; zle bottom/ oonsommer de prêférence avant: volr fond Tao is a registered trademark, Produced by Bibco, Industrielaan 16-20, 1740 Ternat-Belgium Kombucha, Guarana Hana, Rosehip, Vitamins BB and C INDEX energy
