Details of a can - Coca-cola




  • Portugal







Informacoes pela linha verde sandgos e ao Kundo Coca-Cola! Vamos oferecer The Co-Cola Company. Rs de Milhares de Pagers Tou oujours Dea Sem Sempre alquer pagamento, nem monsalidade s curte à braval 330c. Coke do REFRIGEBNERANTE DE EXTRACTSS VEGETAIS, GASEFCAT UO. Ingredet dentes: agua, açúcar, dióxido d de carbono, corante: caramet , regulador de acidez: E-38, romatizantes naturais e cafein Fabrica com autorização de always Coca-Cola Coca-Coala Junta 20 pontos, envia com as informacoes que podes encontrar nas garrafas familiares (L, 1,5L e 2L) e nas embalagens de 6 e 12 Latas, E GANHAS. Recebes o Pager Coca-Cola pelo correio Om cerca de 1 semana. Cada 3 argolas vermelhas das latas valem 1 ponto. Retige SA, Av. Fontes Pereira de Mel , n 35, 99, 1000 LISBOA. Consumi e (lote e dan a preferéncia antes do fim de... a Indicados na base) 0800 200 788 Siempe MARCA REGISTADA Prīvzdo Toujours Coca-Cola L'ou, MARCA PEGISTADA 966000 0O00677 S 7S72 E11B

Information through the green line sandgos and Kundo Coca-Cola! let's offer The Co-Cola Company. Rs of Thousands of Pagers I'm oujours Dea not always any payment, no monsality s like braval 330c. Coke of SOFT DRINK VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, GASEFCAT OU. Ingredet teeth: water, sugar, carbon dioxide, dye: caramet, acidity regulator: E-38, natural flavors and cafein Factory with authorization of always Coke Coca-Koala Add 20 points, send with the information that you can find in the bottles family members (L, 1.5L and 2L) and in packs of 6 and 12 cans, AND YOU EARN. you receive the pager Coca-Cola by mail Om about 1 week. Every 3 red rings of the cans are worth 1 point. Retige SA, Av. Fontes Pereira de Mel, no. 35, 99, 1000 LISBON. consumed and (batch and dan the preference before the end of... a Indicated on the base) 0800 200 788 siempe TRADEMARK Previous Toujours Coke L'or, PEGISTADA BRAND 966000 000677 S 7S72 E11B
