Details of a can - Sagres




  • Portugal







Eatracto Primitive 10,8 Plato NET 17,6 FL.02 (IMP). CONTENTS 16,9 FL.O1 (US). da de Allarrobetra Vialonga Portugal onginal Extract 10,8 "Plato. Original Gravity 1043,4 NRIDIENTES AGUA, MALTA (cebada), CERLALES NO MALTEADOS (man ou affor, LUPUTO L ordade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, SA NUREDIENTS WATER, MALT (barley), NON MALTED CEREALS (maize or nce), HOPS, ROTATEN WASSER MALU (gerste), MAIS, REIS, HOPFEN .CERVEZA CERVEJA Consumit preferentemente antes dei final de ver fonde A consommer de preference avant la fin de voyez au fond NGRIDIENTS EAU, MALT (orge), CEREALES NON MALTES (mars o z), HOUBLON, NGREDIENTES AGUA, MALTE (cevada), CEREAIS NÃO MALTADOS (inilho ou arror), LUPULO Consumir de preferéncia antes do fim de ver fundo Mindestens haltbar bis ende: siehe boden Apoio ao cliente: 808 204 771 ECOPONTO AMARELO Chuginal Extract 10,8 "Plato. Original Gravity 1043.4 CERVEZA BIRRA BIRRA • CERVEJA CERVEJA CERVEJA SAGRESES SIAGRES vada Exceloncia Comprovada Ezcelincia Comprovado ELECTION LECTION FAISELLE 50d 500ml alc. 5,0% vol alc. 5,0% vol. (erveja 23 RoDuzIDA E EMBALADA POR/ BaSEH ET MISE EN BOITE PAR D AND CANNED BY Best before end: see bottom FLABORADA POR HAGASTELIT UND VERPACKT-VON alarobena Vialonga Portugal Seja Responsavel Beba com moderacao ERVEZA CERVEJA BIER BIERE BEER HA CERVEJA BIER BIERE BIERE 5210/1 5 601146 000319

Eatract Primitive 10.8 Plato NET 17.6 FL.02 (IMP). CONTENTS 16.9 FL.O1 (US). of Allarrobetra Vialonga Portugal onginal Extract 10.8" Plato. Original Gravity 1043.4 NRIDIENTES WATER, MALTA (barley), CERLALES NON MALTEADOS (man or affor, LUPUTO L ordade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, SA NUREDIENTS WATER, MALT (barley), NON MALTED CEREALS (maize or nce), HOPS, ROTATEN WASSER MALU (gerste), MAIS, REIS, HOPFEN . BEER BEER Consumit preferably before I finished seeing fonde Consommer of preference avant la fin de voyez au fond NGRIDIENTS EAU, MALT (orge), CEREALES NON MALTES (mars o z), HOUBLON, NGREDIENTS WATER, MALT (barley), NON-MALTED CEREALS (yellow or arror), HOPS Preferably consume before the end of the background Mindestens haltbar bis ende: siehe boden Customer support: 808 204 771 ECOPOINT YELLOW Chuginal Extract 10.8" Plato. Original Gravity 1043.4 BEER TANTRUM TANTRUM • BEER BEER BEER SAGRESES SIAGRES vada proven excellence Ezcelincia Proven ELECTION LECTION FAISELLE 50d 500ml alc. 5.0% vol alc. 5.0% vol. (beer 23 ROUNDED AND PACKAGED BY/ BASEH ET MISE EN BOITE PAR D AND CANNED BY Best before end: see bottom FABORATED BY HAGASTELIT UND VERPACKT-VON alarobena Vialonga Portugal Be responsible, drink in moderation HERB BEER BIER BIERE BEER THERE IS BEER BIER BIERE BIERE 5210/1 5 601146 000319
