Details of a can - Silva




  • Romania







ORIGINAL PILS ORIGINAL PILS SILVA RÈCUNOASTE :WED IN A CARANTATĂ REȚETĂ ORIGINAL CALITATE GARANTATA RET t nherited a part of thę patriarchal otmosphere CALITATE TA ORIGINALĂ € 9,51 Alc. 5,1% vol Ep 11.8°P BREWED NEC PLUS ULT NEC PLUS ULTRA Premium Quality Premium Quality SILMA SSILVA ® PILS onino Lraditional Ber Gonuino DraditionBa GARANTA după reteta DE STE VALO Produsa originala Născută în inima Transilvaniei, bere bereo Silva Silva bee Sha beer was born in the heart of Transylvania and inherteld from thisa deo potriarhald a moştenit o parte din atmosfera poti de aici. Silva înseamnă valori odev tradiție, rafinament, armotemonie iodevőrote: (alu) ( trod om this origin. Silva stands for true values: tradition, refinement, harmony. 5. consuma de preterința Inainte de: Vezi baza cutiel / Best betore end: See base of can A se feri de temperaturi ridicate și Inghet/ To be képt away from high temperature and ST NR. 4/2003 ADITIONALI OMANIA Silva recomandă consumul responsabil • Produsă si distribuită de / Produced and distributed by: Heineken România S.A., București, Sector 1, Str. Tipografilor nr. 11-15. Ingrediente: apă, màlt din orz, hàmei. / İnğredients: water, barley malt, hops. CALITATE DUCATOP MANIA

ORIGINAL BATTERIES ORIGINAL BATTERIES SILVA RECOGNIZED : WED IN A QUANTIFIED ORIGINAL RECIPE QUALITY GUARANTEED RET t nherited a part of thę patriarchal otmosphere QUALITY YOUR ORIGINAL € 9.51 Alc. 5.1% vol Ep 11.8 ° W BREWED NEC PLUS ULT NEC PLUS ULTRA Premium Quality Premium Quality SILMA SSILVA ® PILS onino Lraditional Ber Gonuino DraditionBa GUARANTEE according to the recipe OF STE VALO manufactured original Born in the heart of Transylvania, beer bereo Silva Silva bee Sha beer was born in the heart of Transylvania and inherteld from thisa deo potriarhald inherited some of the atmosphere you can from here. Silva means odev values tradition, refinement, armotemon iodevőrote: (alu) ( Trodos om this origin. Silva stands for true values: tradition, refinement, harmony. 5. consume of the past Before: See base of cutiel / Best betore end: See base of can Beware of high temperatures and Freeze / To be képt away from high temperature and ST NO. 4/2003 further Oman Silva recommends responsible consumption • Produced and distributed by / Produced and distributed by: Heineken Romania S.A., Bucharest, Sector 1, Str. Printers no. 11-15. Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops. / Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops. QUALITY DUCATOP ANGER
