Details of a can - Sapporo




  • Japan







More than a century with the polaris emblen SAPPORRO SAAPPORO A ドアルミ More the SINCE 1876 polaris emblem SINCE 1876 あき缶はリサイクルへ R0 ORIGINA, BRAND OLDEST DRAFT ORIGINAL DRAFT DRAFT BRAND OLDEST JAPAN'S %24 セッポロビール 市ロビール 霊 生 Black Label Label B Nack Label O BY SA BY SAPP SAPPOI AND FILLED ORIGINAL DRAFT RAFT ORIGINAL DRAFT edicated to creating"Tasteful Living" asteful Living We are dedicated to creating"Tasteful Living ドル サッポロ)黒ラベル We are de ッポロ《生)黒ラベル 非熱処理 非熱処理 ピール 750ml ビール ●お問い合ロせ先:お客様相談センター 03-3572-6111 BEER ビールは、8歳になってから JAPAN'S あき缶やプルタブは一 SAPPO すてないようご協力ください REWED BEER 4 901880 110772 APPORO EWED

More than a century with the polaris emblen SAPPORRO SAAPPORO A Doaluminum More the SINCE 1876 polaris emblem SINCE 1876 Open cans for recycling R0 ORIGINA, BRAND OLDEST DRAFT ORIGINAL DRAFT DRAFT BRAND OLDEST JAPAN'S %twenty four Sepporo beer City rober Spirit Living Black Label Label B Nack Label O BY SA BY SAPP SAPPOI AND FILLED ORIGINAL DRAFT RAFT ORIGINAL DRAFT edicated to creating "Tasteful Living" asteful Living We are dedicated to creating "Tasteful Living" Dollar Sapporo) Black label We are de Popolo << raw) black label Non-heat treatment Non-heat treatment Peel 750ml Beer ● Inquiries: Customer Service Center 03-3572-6111 BEER Beer has been around since I was 8 years old JAPAN'S One can and pull tab SAPPO Please cooperate so as not to REWED BEER 4 901880 110772 APPORO EWED
