Details of a can - Unif




  • China







健康快乐 Unif 统一奶茶 统-樣 Milh Jea Milk Tea I wheat 麦香 flavon 麦看 一 奶茶や 奶茶饮料 幽生食统广地产消6 S 全量,335ml 质量安全 奶茶饮料 含量,35m 奶茶饮料 Pキ whea 品名:统一奶茶(麦香口味)奶茶饮料 配料:水、白砂糖、全脂奶粉、果葡糖浆、红茶叶、植脂末 (葡萄糖浆、氢化植物油、酪蛋白酸钠、乳化剂)、食品添加剂 (乳化剂、六偏磷酸钠、增稠剂、维生素C)、食用香精、食用盐 蛋白质含量:>0.5% 净含量: 335ml 保质期:18个月 产品标准号:GB/T 21733 食品生产许可证编号: QS4401 0601-0216 统一企业(中国)投资有限公司授权 邮政编码:510760 地址:广州市黄埔区南岗镇康南路788号 ●冰凉后饮用,风味更佳,请保存于阴凉干燥处, 避免阳光曝晒。

healthy and happy Unif Unity Milk Tea System-like Milh Jea Milk Tea I wheat Mai Xiang flavon Mai Kan one Milk tea や Milk tea drink You Sheng Food and Guangxi Real Estate Consumers 6 S Full amount, 335ml Quality and Safety Milk tea drink Content, 35m Milk tea drink Pキ whea Name: Uniform Milk Tea (Wheat Flavor) Milk Tea Drink Ingredients: water, white sugar, whole milk powder, fructose syrup, black tea leaves, non-dairy creamer (Glucose syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, sodium caseinate, emulsifier), food additives (Emulsifier, sodium hexametaphosphate, thickener, vitamin C), edible flavor, edible salt Protein content: >0.5% Net content: 335ml Shelf life: 18 months Product standard number: GB/T 21733 Food production license number: QS4401 0601-0216 Authorized by Uni-President Enterprise (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Postal Code: 510760 Address: No.788, Kangnan Road, Nangang Town, Huangpu District, Guangzhou ●Drink after ice-cold, the flavor will be better, please store in a cool and dry place, avoid sun exposure.
