Details of a can - Redoxen




  • China







VITAMIN NUTNIN NUTRITION BEVERAGE HONGNIU HONGNIU 红牛 Honon7u Non เตรื่องดื่ม חווטהופה 250 VITAMIN NUTRIENT SOLUTION Hongn1 เตรื่องดื่ม טe!וט:בן ןיפח 250 VITAMIN NUTRIENT SOLUTION VITAMIN SOL COMON1 2172 净含量:250毫升 NET NET:250ml 维生素营养液饮乱 中山华方贸易有限 公司出品 中山市东凤镇小游村东高路 。中山市椰岛饮料有限公司加工 e厂址:广东省中山市西区沙朗第三工业区 e产地:广东省中山市 e售后服务电话:0760-22618567 22618569 (传真) e品名:果味型维生素营养液饮料 配料:水、白砂糖、食品添加剂[柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用香精、 赖氨酸、牛磺酸、瓜拉那提取物、苹果酸、肌醇、维生素B2、维 生素B6、山梨酸钾、柠檬黄、甜菜红。] e成份表(每100mi含量):热量100-250 KJ、碳水化合物>6g、 牛磺酸50 mg 赖氨酸30mg 咖啡因<15 mg 肌醇2.5mg 维生素B2 0.1mg 维生素B6 0.1mg 9每日2罐 直接饮用 适宜人群:青少年及成人 9生产日期:见罐底 保质期: 18个月 9产品标准号: 0/HFMYO1 6粤卫食证字(2004)第2121A00070号号

VITAMIN NUTNIN NUTRITION BEVERAGE HONGNIU HONGNIU Red Bull Honon7u Non เตรื่องดื่ม חווטהופה 250 VITAMIN NUTRIENT SOLUTION Hongn1 เตรื่องดื่ม טe!וט:בן ןיפח 250 VITAMIN NUTRIENT SOLUTION VITAMIN SOL COMON1 2172 Net content: 250ml NET NET: 250ml Vitamin nutrient solution drinking disorder Produced by Zhongshan Huafang Trading Co., Ltd. Donggao Road, Xiaoyou Village, Dongfeng Town, Zhongshan City . Processing by Zhongshan Yedao Beverage Co., Ltd. e Factory Address: Shalang Third Industrial Zone, West District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province e Origin: Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province e After-sales service telephone: 0760-22618567 22618569 (fax) e Product Name: Fruity Vitamin Nutrient Liquid Drink Ingredients: water, white sugar, food additives (citric acid, sodium citrate, food flavor, Lysine, taurine, guarana extract, malic acid, inositol, vitamin B2, vitamin Vitamin B6, potassium sorbate, lemon yellow, beet red. ] e Composition table (content per 100mi): calories 100-250 KJ, carbohydrates> 6g, Taurine 50 mg Lysine 30 mg Caffeine <15 mg Inositol 2.5 mg Vitamin B2 0.1mg Vitamin B6 0.1mg 9 2 cans a day for direct consumption Suitable for people: teenagers and adults 9 Production date: See the bottom of the tank Shelf life: 18 months 9 Product standard number: 0/HFMYO1 6 Guangdong Health Food Certificate (2004) No. 2121A00070
