Details of a can - Want Want


Want Want


  • China







食品名称:旺仔牛奶(灭菌调味牛乳) 净含量:145mL 配料表:复 80%) (水、全脂乳粉、炼 乳)、水、白砂糖、食品添加剂(蔗糖脂肪 酸酯、单硬脂酸甘油酯)、炼乳香精。 生产日期:标示于罐底 贮存条件:常温保存,避免阳光直射 产品标准号:GB5408.2 旺旺集团TM 委托方:山东旺旺食品有限公司 () 地址:济南市济阳县济北经济开发区 产地:山东济南 生产许可证编号:0S3701 0501 0062 受委托生产厂山东瑞 旺食品有限公司OR) 地 址:济南市济阳县济北经济开发区 产地:山东济南 生产许可证编号:0S3701 0501 1447 具体生产地以生产日期前字母代码表示 保质期:15个月 量安全 N、再看: 牛奶 把料喝掉!, 本品若出现少 現脂凝聚、 蛋白沉淀, 自然现象, 可想句后正常 饮用。 本品不可随包 著一同加热。 怀及周边可 密在尖锐, 清适当防护。 反分表 61009 NRVX 1310KJ 4% 1 12.39 4% 2.59 4% OCO 邮 编:251400 邮 编:251400 MILK K DRINK WK 60mg 3% A8体26.5% 商标,仿書必究 6 930763 971214" 净含量1 消费者服务免费热线 电话:8008200911 城市整活大 来护 Let's Kep Cur City Tidy FBR 灭菌调味牛乳|

Food name: Wangzi milk (sterilized seasoned milk) Net content: 145mL Ingredients: 80% compound) (water, whole milk powder, condensed Milk), water, white sugar, food additives (sucrose fat Ester, glyceryl monostearate), condensed frankincense flavor. Production date: marked on the bottom of the tank Storage conditions: store at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight Product standard number: GB5408.2 Want Want GroupTM Client: Shandong Wangwang Food Co., Ltd. () Address: Jibei Economic Development Zone, Jiyang County, Jinan City Place of Origin: Jinan, Shandong Production license number: 0S3701 0501 0062 Entrusted production plant Shandong Ruiwang Food Co., Ltd. OR) Address: Jibei Economic Development Zone, Jiyang County, Jinan City Place of Origin: Jinan, Shandong Production license number: 0S3701 0501 1447 The specific production place is indicated by the letter code before the production date Shelf life: 15 months Quantity safe N. Look again: milk Drink the ingredients!, If this product appears less Agglomerates, Protein precipitation, natural phenomenon, It can be normal after the sentence drink. This product cannot be packaged Together with heating. Huai and its surroundings can be Densely sharp, Clear proper protection. Anti-score 61009 NRVX 1310KJ 4% 1 12.39 4% 2.59 4% OCO Zip code: 251400 Zip code: 251400 MILK K DRINK WK 60mg 3% A8 body 26.5% Trademarks, imitation books must be investigated 6 930763 971214" Net content 1 Consumer service toll-free hotline Phone: 8008200911 The city is reorganized and protected Let's Kep Cur City Tidy FBR Sterilized seasoned milk|
