Details of a can - Fischer




  • France







Spéciale FISCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION Biere Blone SCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION Biere Bloale Depuis 1821 Fischer Tradition Alc. 6%Vol. ALSÁCE Fischer Brasseur depuis 1821 Tradision ALSACE e e 50cl-0,5L Bi Bière Blonde it Spécial iale d'Alsace &Alsace Specialece nd iale Blonde INGREDIENTS : Eau, Malt, Mais, Sirop de glucose, Houblon, Acide ascorbique. A consommer de préférence avant fin: voir sous la boite. BIER-ZUTATEN : Consumir preferentemente antes del fin de : ver fondo. PIWO-SKŁAD : Woda, Pszenica, Stód, Glukoza, Kwas GEBRAUT IN BREWED BY PRODOTTA DA - FABRICADA POR GEBROUWEN D0OR Brasserie FISCHER BP 48 67301 Schiltigheim Cedex France. EMB. 67447. Wasser, Malz, Mais, Glukosesirup, Hopfenextrakt, Säuerungsmittel : Ascorbinsäure E300. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende : Siehe Unterseite. BEER- INGREDIENTS : Beer, Malt, Maize, Glucose syrup, Hops, Ascorbic acid. Best before end : see base of can. BIRRA-INGREDIENTI : Acqua, Malto, Mais, Sciroppo di Glucosio, Luppolo. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro la data impressa sotto la lattina. CERVEZA- INGREDIENTES : Agua, Malta, Maiz, Jarabe de glucosa, Lúpulo, Acido ascórbico, Ext. Sec. Prim. 13,6°P. V332 BRASSEE PAR WYPRODUKONANO W askorbinony. Najlepsze przed : patrz spod puszki.

Special FISCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION Blone beer SCHER TRADITION SCHER TRADITION Beer Bloale Since 1821 Fischer Tradition Alc. 6% Vol. ALSÁCE Fischer Brewer since 1821 Tradition ALSACE e and 50cl-0.5L Bi Blonde Beer it Alsace Special & Alsace Special nd iale Blonde INGREDIENTS: Water, Malt, Corn, Glucose Syrup, Hops, Ascorbic Acid. To be consumed preferably before the end: see under the box. BIER-ZUTATEN: Consume preferably before the end of: see background. PIWO-SKŁAD: Woda, Pszenica, Stód, Glucose, Kwas GEBRAUT IN BREWED BY PRODUCED BY - MANUFACTURED BY GEBROUWEN D0OR Brasserie FISCHER BP 48 67301 Schiltigheim Cedex France. EMB. 67447. Wasser, Malz, Mais, Glukosesirup, Hopfenextrakt, Säuerungsmittel: Ascorbinsäure E300. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende: Siehe Unterseite. BEER- INGREDIENTS: Beer, Malt, Maize, Glucose syrup, Hops, Ascorbic acid. Best before end: see base of can. BEER-INGREDIENTS: Water, Malt, Corn, Glucose Syrup, Hops. To be consumed preferably by the date printed under the can. BEER- INGREDIENTS: Water, Malt, Corn, Glucose Syrup, Hops, Ascorbic Acid, Ext. Sec. Prim. 13.6 ° W. V332 BRASSEE PAR WYPRODUCONANO W askorbinony. Najlepsze przed: patrz spod puszki.
