Details of a can - Kirin




  • Japan







KIRIN BREWERY COMPANY, LIMITED this brew have been ene hew have been created for the The crisp flavor and rfon flavor and refreshing touch of REWERY COMPANY, LIMITED 北陸工場工場謹製三 キリン生リン生ビール 北陸工場謹製』 its clear, delicious s clear, delicious water. KIRIN KIRI KIRIN 北陸づくり 北陸っ産づくり The crisp flavor and refreshing touch of this brew have been created for the refined taste of Hokuriku with its clear, delicious water. this brew have been e rew have been created for the refined taste of Ho taste of Hokuriku with e dear, delicios# clear, delicious water. アルミ 北陸工場工場謹製 統缶状リサイクルへ キリン生ビール キリン生リン生ビール*熱効理 非熱処理 あき缶はすてないように ご協力下さい。 KIRIN BREWERY COMP E联京都 谷区 神宮前六-1 110ー1 麦酒林TAAK 製造所固有有記号,製造年月句, ロラム配号は缶底部に表示 ビールは、20歳になってから。 4 901411127712" 北陸の清涼でおいしい水を生かした、 いきいきした味わいと爽快なのどごし。 北型S送覚が仕立てたビールです。 お問い合わせは、お客様相談室まで。

KIRIN BREWERY COMPANY, LIMITED this brew have been ene hew have been created for the The crisp flavor and rfon flavor and refreshing touch of REWERY COMPANY, LIMITED Hokuriku Factory Factory Kirin draft beer Hokuriku Factory its clear, delicious s clear, delicious water. KIRIN KIRI KIRIN Hokuriku making Making Hokuriku The crisp flavor and refreshing touch of this brew have been created for the refined taste of Hokuriku with its clear, delicious water. this brew have been e rew have been created for the refined taste of Ho taste of Hokuriku with e dear, delicios # clear, delicious water. Aluminum Hokuriku factory factory To can-shaped recycling Kirin draft beer Kirin draft beer * heat effect Non-heat treatment Don't leave the open can Please cooperate. KIRIN BREWERY COMP E Satoshi Kyoto Tani-ku Jingumae 6-1 110-1 Beer Forest TAAK Factory-specific symbol, date of manufacture, Loram number is displayed on the bottom of the can Beer has been around since I was 20 years old. 4 901411127712 " Taking advantage of the cool and delicious water of Hokuriku, Lively taste and refreshing throat. A beer tailored by the Northern S-Senkan. For inquiries, please contact the Customer Relations Office.
