Details of a can - Suntory




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FINAL FANTASY X ELIXI 3 СНОСОВО 座炭酸飲料原材料名:糖類 (果糖 だう糖波糖、砂糖)、レモン果汁、ロー 物ゼリーエキス、香料、酸味料、 カフェ ンビタミンB、ビタミンB6 量 350ml 賞味期限:缶底下段に記載 諸サントリーフーズ(株) 東京都港区台場2-3-3 所固有の記号は缶底上段左に記載 影せないでください。内容液が膨張し、容器が 離する場合があります。●破裂するおそれが 初ますので、強い衝撃を与えたり、直射日光の 読る車内等署くなる場所に長時間置かないで (ださい。●開缶後はすぐにお飲みください。 限経過後も保管される場合、必ず中味を 動てから保管ください。 お問い合わせはお客様センター DO0120-139-320 A アルミ 国産 あとおりサイクル に出は投げすてない うに協力ください。 DM NAL灣 アルミ 9SOUARE ENIX FINAL FANTASY. II FINAL FANTASY XII E LI XIR 4 901777 202047

FINAL FANTASY X ELIXI 3 СНОСОВО Concentrated drink Ingredient name: Sugar (fructose) Dau sugar wave sugar, sugar), lemon juice, raw Jelly extract, fragrance, acidulant, cafe Vitamin B, Vitamin B6 Amount 350ml Expiration date: Listed at the bottom of the can bottom Suntory Foods Co., Ltd. 2-3-3 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo The symbol unique to the place is written on the upper left of the bottom of the can. Please do not shadow. The content liquid expands and the container It may be separated. ● May explode Since it is the first time, give a strong impact or in direct sunlight Do not leave it in a place where it becomes a station, such as in a car, for a long time. (Don't worry. ● Please drink immediately after opening the can. If it is stored after the expiration date, be sure to add the contents. Please keep it after moving. For inquiries, please contact the Customer Center DO0120-139-320 A Aluminum Domestic That's right cycle I haven't thrown out Please cooperate. DM NAL Bay Aluminum 9SOUARE ENIX FINAL FANTASY. II FINAL FANTASY XII E LI XIR 4 901777 202047
