Details of a can - Kirin




  • Japan







よく (からお飲みください。 ●名称:コーヒー 原材料名牛乳 コーヒー、砂糖、全粉乳、脱脂粉乳。 乳化剤、香料、カゼインN.、甘味料 (アセスルファムK、スクラロース ●内容量:190g●賞味期限缶館 下段に記載 ●製造者:東京都 千代田区神田和泉町1番地 キリンビバレッジ株式会社 缶底上段左は製造所固有記号国産 ●開缶後はすぐにお飲みください。 ●コーヒーやミルクの成分が固まる場合 がありますが、品質には問題ありません。 ●破裂するおそれがありますので、あたた める時は、缶をストーブや直火にかけな FIRE FIRE E ROA 這火 仕上げ 発きたて微糖挽きたて微糖微糖 いでください。 内舗出 栄養成分表示(製品100g当たりエ ギー17kcal、たんぱく質0.3~1.3g脂質 18.炭水23g リウム49mg糖 ●お問い合わせに お客様相談室ま o0120-595955 18時間以内抽出 Coffee with the fine taste and ans taste and 18時間以内抽出 aroma of beans Coffee with the fine taste and aroma of beans As of grinding. brewed within 18 hours of grinding 直火 仕上げ brewed within 18 hours of grinding. あき缶は殻すてない ようにご協力ください。 挽きたてで 封じ込めた香り高さ 挽きたて18時間以内抽出 KIRIN コーヒー スチール スチール HP om あきかんはリサイ 4 909411 039790 SN

Often (Please drink from. ● Name: Coffee Ingredient name Milk Coffee, sugar, whole milk powder, skim milk powder. Emulsifiers, flavors, casein N., sweeteners (Acesulfame K, sucralose ● Contents: 190g ● Expiration date Can building Listed at the bottom ● Manufacturer: Tokyo 1 Kanda Izumicho, Chiyoda-ku Kirin Beverage Co., Ltd. The upper left of the bottom of the can is a factory-specific symbol made in Japan. ● Please drink immediately after opening the can. ● When the ingredients of coffee or milk harden However, there is no problem with the quality. ● It may explode, so warm it up. When you put it on, don't put the can on the stove or open flame. FIRE FIRE E ROA Crawling fire Finish Freshly ground fine sugar Freshly ground fine sugar Please come. Internal pavement Nutrition facts label (d per 100g of product) Ghee 17kcal, protein 0.3 ~ 1.3g lipid 18. Charcoal water 23g Rium 49mg sugar ● For inquiries Customer service office o0120-595955 Extract within 18 hours Coffee with the fine taste and ans taste and Extract within 18 hours aroma of beans Coffee with the fine taste and aroma of beans As of grinding. brewed within 18 hours of grinding Open fire Finish brewed within 18 hours of grinding. The open can is not shelled Please cooperate. Freshly ground Contained fragrance height Freshly ground and extracted within 18 hours KIRIN coffee steel steel HP om Akikan is resai 4 909411 039790 SN
