Details of a can - Sumol




  • Portugal







mit Maracujasaft und Fruchtles htleisch YSumidonegruposumolat with passion fruit juice aeand pulp o de M de sumo e polpa de maracujá MARACUJÁ IFree from colourings and preservotives. Drink preserved worme schützen, Produzido por / Produced by / Fobriqué pr Proteger do calor/Keep oway from heat/Protéger de la chaieur iR PASSION FRUIT 6% Sumo / JUICE / JUS / FRUCHTGEHALT e OREFRIGERANTE DE SUMO BE MARACUJA. Conitem Edulcorante. Ingredientes: Aquo gaselficado, sumo e maraculó (6%), açúcar, regulodores de ocldez. ocido cido malico eé citrato de sódlo, estoblizador: gomo de aroma, vitamino edulcoronte: sucrolose. Consum Deeferencia antes de: ver fundo. O PASSION FRUIT JUICE DRIM With sugor and sweetener. Ingredients; Corbonated wote posslon fruit juice gnd pulp (5%), sugor, oddity regulotorE C odd, malic acid and sodium Citrdte, stobiliser buof gum, How vitomin C. sweetener: sucrolose. Best before: See baa BOISSON AU JUS DE FRUIT DE LA PASSION. Avec sucre dulcorant. Ingrédients: Eau gozélfiée, jus et pulpe de fruk de la passion (6%), sycre, correcteurs d'ocidité: ocide citriqu ocide malique ét citrote de sodium, stobilisont: gomme gu orome, vitámine C, edulcorant: sUCralose. A consemmě preférence avant: voir au fond. MARACUJASAFIGETRANE Hit elner Zuckerort und SUBungsmittel, Zutaten: Wosser mt kohlensäure, Moracujasaft und Fruchtfleisch (6%), 2yce Soureregulatoren: Citronensoure, Rpfelsoure und flatriumdvg Stabilisator: Guarkernmebl. Aromo, Vitomin C, SOBsa Sucrolose. Mindestens holtbar bis: siehe bosis. Informação nutricional por / lutrition Information pet /nfometa hubidonnele par/nohwertangaben je 100ml: Energie/Energy Enege Energlewert 25kcal (107k); Proteinos/Proteins/Protěines / Eku Cg: Hidrotos de Carbono/Carbohydrates/Glucides/Kohienhydore COs quais açúcares/ of which sugars / dont sucres/ dovon Zucker 6 Upidos /Fat/Upides/Fett: 0g, dos quais ócidos gordoos soturodat/0 which saturates/ dont saturés7 dgvon gesätigte Fettsouren Og Fa LFibre /Fibres/Bollaststoffe: Oc: Sódio/Sodium/notrium Og Viomi C/Vitomin C/Vitamine C: 17mg (28% DDR/RDR/RJR/ET) Esto lato de 330 ml contém/This 330 ml con contains/ Cette holte de 330 ml contient sem Coranter Colourings 330m de Energio Energy Energle 83 kcol Açocores Sugars SUcres 20 9 Lipidos Fot Saturodos Sodio Sodium Soturates Soturés Ronine $6 mg Upides 0g 0g 0% 0% 0% COs valores diórios de referênda paro uma dieto de 2.000 kcal or the guideline dolly omounts for o 2.000 kcal diet/des valeurs quotidiennes de référence pour un régime de 2.000 kcal Dose Diária Recomendada / Recommended Doily Rilouande pport journaller Recommandé/Empfahlene Togesdosis Sem corontes nem conservontes, Bebido conservado por pasteol 22% ORIGINAL posteurizotion/Sons colorants ni conservateurs. Boisson cons posteurisotion/Ohne Forbstoffe noch Konservierungsmittel. Ge von Posteurization konserviert. 808 202 725 ndrguposumolot With passion fruit juice ddnd pulo dergestellt durch: Sumoijs REXAM Cestoo de Marcas, S.R. Estrado Portela, 9 2790 124 7S81K07A Cornoxide Partugal au jus et pulpe de fruit de la passion of the Dib free fromCOIOu 100% P RAZE nowns COntoins DEE SIAL levem ente gaseificado levemente gaseificado Colorants 601045 001332 > nowns slightly carbonated

with Maracuja juice and Fruchtles htleisch YSumidonegruposumolat with passion fruit juice aeand pulp o de M de sumo e polpa de maracujá MARACUJÁ IFree from colorings and preservotives. Drink preserved worme schützen, Produced by / Produced by / Fobriqué pr Proteger do calor / Keep oway from heat / Protéger de la chaieur iR PASSION FRUIT 6% Sumo / JUICE / JUICE / FRUIT CONTAINER e OREFRIGERANTE DE SUMO BE MARACUJA. Conitem Educator. Ingredients: Gaffed water, sumo e maraculó (6%), açúcar, regulodores de ocldez. ocido cido malico eé citrato de sodlo, estoblizador: gomo de aroma, vitamin edulcoronte: sucrolose. Consumption Deeferencia antes de: ver fundo. O PASSION FRUIT JUICE DRIM With sugor and sweetener. Ingredients; Corbonated wote posslon fruit juice gnd pulp (5%), sugor, oddity regulotorE C odd, malic acid and sodium Citrdte, stobiliser buof gum, How vitamin C. sweetener: sucrolose. Best before: See baa BOISSON ON PASSION FRUIT JUICE. With sugar dulcorant. Ingredients: Eau gozélfiée, juice and pulp of fruit passion (6%), sugar, acidity correctors: citric oxide malic oxide and citrote of sodium, stabilizer: gomme gu orome, vitamin C, edulcorant: sUCralose. I agree preference before: see the bottom. MARACUJASAFIGETRANE Hit elner Zuckerort und SUBungsmittel, Ingredients: Wosser mt carbonic acid, moracia juice and pulp (6%), 2yce Sour regulators: Lemon sour, Rpfelsoure and flatrium dvg Stabilizer: Guarkernmebl. Aromo, Vitomin C, SOBsa Sucrolose. At least holtbar bis: see boss. Nutritional information by / lutrition Information pet / nfometa hubidonnele par / nohwertangaben je 100ml: Energie / Energy Enege Energy value 25kcal (107k); Proteinos / Proteins / Proteins / Ecu Cg: Carbono / Carbohydrates / Carbohydrates / Carbohydrate Hydrates COs quais açúcares / of which sugars / dont sucres / dovon Zucker 6 Upidos / Fat / Upides / Fett: 0g, dos quais ócidos gordoos soturodat / 0 which saturates / dont saturés7 dgvon gesätigte Fettsouren Og Fa LFibre / Fibers / Bollaststoffe: Oc: Sódio / Sodium / notrium Og Viomi C / Vitamin C / Vitamin C: 17mg (28% DDR / RDR / RJR / ET) Esto lato de 330 ml contém / This 330 ml con contains / This cavity contains 330 ml sem Coranter Colorings 330m de Energy Energy Energle 83 kcol Açocores Sugars SUcres 20 9 Lipidos Fot Saturodos Sodio Sodium Soturates Soturés Ronine $ 6 mg Upides 0g 0g 0% 0% 0% COs daily reference values for a 2,000 kcal diet or the guideline dolly omounts for o 2.000 kcal diet / des valeurs reference daily for a 2,000 kcal diet Dose Diária Recomendada / Recommended Doily Rilouande pport journaller Recommendé / Empfahlene Togesdosis No corns or preservatives, Baby preserved by pasteol 22% ORIGINAL posteurizotion / Sons colorants ni conservateurs. Boisson cons posteurisotion / No dyes or preservatives. Ge preserved by posteurization. 808 202 725 ndrguposumolot With passion fruit juice ddnd pulo provided by: Sumoijs REXAM Cestoo de Marcas, S.R. Estrado Portela, 9 2790 124 7S81K07A Cornoxide Partugal in juice and fruit pulp of passion of the Dib free fromCOIOu 100% P RAZE nowns COntoins DEE SIAL we are gasified highly gasified Colorants 601045 001332> nowns slightly carbonated
