Details of a can - Coca-cola




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可ロ可 皇 0D 奥 VISA ICOKERS100 CocaCola Coca-Cola 养标识 每100毫升含有* 热量 蛋白质 H) の Bejing 2008 0.6 k) VISA CocaCocaCola 0g 0g 0g |质量安全 0g 检验台格 碳水化合物 ((由●銀行签发) 200年月200年7月1日起至2007年9月15日, 购买任一展任一款本促销装易拉罐产品,S 据开拉,开拉环,有机会赢取: 可乐,麵星丰容。 VISA信用卡一套(3张).内 含人民币2008元(免签额, 个税自理) 最体用族行水壶一个 登陆ww,输入罐底的 13位字,字特,有机会赢取iCoke积分 0分,Da0分,1Coke积分可累积使用, 精彩奖品。 美 完全球合作伙伴 *标示值为平均含量 汽 奖,207年7月1日至9月30日17 aR eR分兑换織至日期为2008年 月318 31日 中奖者需办理信用卡申领手续。 前牌情请參阅当地消费者著单页 动咨询热线,400-820-6822 林市内话费) 教量:355毫升 杨威 活动的 本市 要爽由自己点击 生产日期标于罐底,保质期18个月怡可口可乐,汽水配料,碳酸水(水、二氧 化碳)、焦糖色、甜味剂(甜蜜素、安赛蜜)、 磷酸及柠檬酸、香料(包含咖啡因)、苯甲酸钠! 由可口可乐,“健怡可口可乐,、“Coca-Cola" Coke"、"ICOKE"、“星阵容,及波浪形飘带图 案商标持有人可口可乐公司授权出品 上海申美饮料食品有限公司 地址:上海浦东金桥出口加工区 桂桥路539号电话,400-820-6822 产品标准号,Q/YQXL 11 标签版本号: CCL 07135 食品生产许可证编号:QS3115 0601 0080 禁止加热或 0.C以下冷冻, 6901939230701 O2007 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BEI YE R

Coroco King 0D Austrian VISA ICOKERS100 CocaCola Coca-Cola Raise logo Contains per 100ml* Calories protein H) の Bejing 2008 0.6 k) VISA CocaCocaCola 0g 0g 0g | Quality and Safety 0g Inspection table carbohydrate ((Issued by the bank) From July 1, 200 to September 15, 2007, Buy any one of the promotional can products at any exhibition, S According to Kaila, open the ring, there is a chance to win: Coke has a rich face. A set of VISA credit cards (3 cards). Including RMB 2008 (free of visa, (Personal tax self-care) One of the most suitable family kettles Log in to, enter the bottom of the tank 13 characters, special characters, chance to win iCoke points 0 points, Da0 points, 1 Coke points can be used cumulatively, Wonderful prizes. U.S. perfect ball partner *Indicated value is average content steam Award, July 1, 207 to September 30, 207 aR eR points are redeemed until 2008 Month 318 31st Winners need to apply for a credit card. Please refer to the leaflet written by local consumers for the previous brand information Mobile consultation hotline, 400-820-6822 Calling in Lin City) Teaching volume: 355 ml Yang Wei active This city Click on it yourself: The production date is marked on the bottom of the can, and the shelf life is 18 months. Carbon), caramel color, sweeteners (cyclamate, acesulfame potassium), Phosphoric acid and citric acid, spices (including caffeine), sodium benzoate! From Coca-Cola, "Diet Coca-Cola," "Coca-Cola" "Coke", "ICOKE", "Star lineup, and wavy streamers Authorized by the trademark holder Coca-Cola Company Shanghai Shenmei Beverage and Food Co., Ltd. Address: Shanghai Pudong Jinqiao Export Processing Zone No. 539, Guiqiao Road, 400-820-6822 Product standard number, Q/YQXL 11 Label version number: CCL 07135 Food production license number: QS3115 0601 0080 It is forbidden to heat or freeze below 0.C, 6901939230701 O2007 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BEI YE R
