Details of a can - Coca-cola




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2个数 2C分何经哭品 营养标识每100毫升含有* Nutrition Facts 100ml contains 热量 Energy 蛋白质 Protein 肪 Fat 碳水化合物 Carbohydrate 花ESAEIDT赠院 CH CocaCola 0.6 k) 0 g 0 g Coca-o 0 g 质量安全 0 g Sugar *标示值为平均含量 *On average 注 联想旭日125 len lenovo联想 日 0年6月15日, 一林促销装易拉罐产品,有机 -關時品 業易拉罐产品罐底13位字符, 雖 有 licoke粉100分 EED OO秀形象在内的相应 組 积分可累积使用,换取更多 品品止 本就 国花周共设奖品: 9千万个赠饮、 12F 码产品(手提电脑1千台、台 式論台,打印机1万台)及1.2亿个网 00 太於 动奖日期自2006年4月1日 EA月30日止。 起至20 時品以实物为准。 台地活动海报。 线自費:010-67878080 624 活 Selina D QQ加力的 无糖 生 於園:355 毫升 汽水 XA雪 HHE Di游 oc-CoCola 健怡可口可乐,汽水 配料:碳酸水(水、二氧化碳)、焦糖色 香料(包含咖啡因)、苯甲酸钠 由“可口可乐,健怡可口可乐。 "Coca-Cola"." Coke"及波浪形飘带图案 商标持有人可口可乐公司授权出品 北京可口可乐饮料有限公司 地址:北京经济齐技术开发区荣京东街9号 电话:010-67885588 消费者热线电话:800-810-8820 食品生产许可证编号:QS1100 0601 1223 ウレレここし 乙し96069 02006 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY避免阳光直晒及高温。冷饮口味更佳

2 number 2C points and crying products Nutrition label contains per 100ml* Nutrition Facts 100ml contains Energy Protein Fat carbohydrate Carbohydrate Flower ESAEIDT donated to the hospital CH CocaCola 0.6 k) 0 g 0 g Coca-o 0 g Quality and Safety 0 g Sugar *Indicated value is average content *On average Note Lenovo Rising Sun 125 len lenovo Day June 15, 0, Yilin promotional cans products, organic -Off-Shipment 13 characters at the bottom of the cans of the industry, Although Have 100 points for licoke powder Correspondence including the image of EED OO show Group points can be accumulated and used in exchange for more Pin Pin Zhi In the National Flower Week, there are a total of prizes: 90 million free drinks, 12F code products (1,000 laptops, Taiwan Style forum, 10,000 printers) and 120 million nets 00 Taiyu Award date since April 1, 2006 EA ends on 30th. From 20 Current products are subject to the actual product. Mesa event poster. Line at own expense: 010-67878080 624 live Selina D QQ加力的 Sugar free pregnancy Yu Yuan: 355 ml Soda XA Snow HHE Di tour oc-CoCola Diet Coca-Cola, soda Ingredients: carbonated water (water, carbon dioxide), caramel color Spices (including caffeine), sodium benzoate By "Coca-Cola, Diet Coca-Cola. "Coca-Cola". "Coke" and wavy streamer pattern Authorized by the trademark holder Coca-Cola Company Beijing Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. Address: No. 9 Rongjing East Street, Beijing Economic Qi Technology Development Zone Phone: 010-67885588 Consumer hotline: 800-810-8820 Food production license number: QS1100 0601 1223 ウレレここし 乙し96069 02006 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Avoid direct sunlight and high temperature. Cold drinks taste better
