Details of a can - Kokanee




  • Canada







Le goût vif et frais des glaciers. Exclusivement brassée dans les montagnes de la Colombie-Britannique. Cool, crisp, glacier-fresh taste exclusineadlusively RECYOLABLE Rkokanee Kokanee GLACIER BEER Every Every drop of Kokanee is brewed GLACIER BEER EER righ right here in Creston, B.C. Chap Chaque goutte de Kokanee est brassée ici, à Creston en Colombie-Britannique. est b Co KER BÈRE 5ml S% alc/vol. SERY COLUMBIA BREWERY COLUMBIA BREWERY enclusively rCwery. Cool, crisp, glacier-fresh taste exclusie Le goút vif et dans les mo CCS-0003 4-A-09 Ies montagnes de la Colombie-Britannique. 62067 37434 30226C1CP235 *TM /MC COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY, CRESTON, B.C. UNION MADE FABRICATION SYNDICALE RETURN FOR REFUND WHERE APPLICABLE • RETOURNER POUR REMBOURSEMENT LÀ OÙ IL Y A LIEU +9 04664 RECYCLABLE ALUMINUM CANS CANETTES D'ALUMINUM RECYCLABLE SERVICE INFO: 1800-KOKANEE

The crisp and fresh taste of ice cream parlors. Exclusively brewed in the mountains of British Columbia. Cool, crisp, glacier-fresh taste exclusineadlusively RECYOLABLE Rkokanee Kokanee GLACIER BEER Every Every drop of Kokanee is brewed GLACIER BEER EER righ right here in Creston, B.C. Chap Every drop of Kokanee is brewed here in Creston in British Columbia. is b Co KER BEER 5ml S% alc / vol. SERY COLUMBIA BREWERY COLUMBIA BREWERY enclusively rCwery. Cool, crisp, glacier-fresh taste exclusie The lively taste and in the mo CCS-0003 4-A-09 The mountains of British Columbia. 62067 37434 30226C1CP235 * TM / MC COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY, CRESTON, B.C. UNION MADE FABRICATION SYNDICALE RETURN FOR REFUND WHERE APPLICABLE • RETURN FOR REFUND WHERE APPLICABLE +9 04664 RECYCLABLE ALUMINUM CANS RECYCLABLE ALUMINUM CANS SERVICE INFO: 1800-KOKANEE
