Details of a can - Coca-cola




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的时候,可口可乐,已行销到 行销到世界上近200 个国家,几乎遍及世界的每一 界的每一个角落, 北庆可口可乐公司与中粮集团成》 欢庆可口可采公司機 集团成功合作人の周年 钢 营养标识每100毫升含有 Nutrition Facts 100ml contains 热量Energy 180 k) ) 蛋白质 Protein 脂肪 Fat 碳水化合物 Carbohydrates 11g TAm-Taai S Q" 口可乐,诞生一百周年 一九八六年,当可口可乐避 陰量:355毫升 料之一。 是销量最高的软饮料之一 质量安全 露南受酒 大 R ME 商标 汽水 年 Coca-Cola Cola aaocaCola a ca-Colaa Cocola Coca-Cola 9860 生产日期标于罐底,保质期18个月点击真精彩 「可口可乐,汽水 配料:碳酸水(水、二氧化碳)、白砂糖 焦糖色、磷酸、香料(包含咖啡因) 由可口可乐 波浪形飘带图案和弧形瓶剪影图案商标持有人 可口可乐公司授权出品 天津可口可乐饮料有限公司 "Coca-Cola" "Coke". 天津经济技术开发区洞庭路140号 022-25328404 服务热线, 电话 生产许可证号 品标佳号:GB/T 10792 禁 IE加表或00 以下冷 东 022-27361501 2004 THE COCA-COL A COMPANY Ti M. 1 1 030909 ISO 0100

At the time, Coca-Cola had been marketed to nearly 200 Countries, almost everywhere in every corner of the world, Beiqing Coca-Cola Company and COFCO Group Formed " Celebrate the anniversary of Coca-Cola’s successful cooperators steel Nutrition label contains per 100ml Nutrition Facts 100ml contains Energy 180 k)) Protein Fat carbohydrate Carbohydrates 11g TAm-Taai S Q" Coke, the 100th anniversary of its birth In 1986, when Coca-Cola avoided Yin volume: 355 ml One of the materials. Is one of the highest-selling soft drinks Quality and Safety Lunan receives wine Big R ME trademark Soda year Coca-Cola Cola aaocaCola a ca-Colaa Cocola Coca-Cola 9860 The production date is marked on the bottom of the tank, and the shelf life is 18 months. Click on "Coca-Cola, soda Ingredients: carbonated water (water, carbon dioxide), white sugar Caramel color, phosphoric acid, spices (including caffeine) Coca-Cola Logo holder with wavy streamer pattern and curved bottle silhouette pattern Authorized by The Coca-Cola Company Tianjin Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. "Coca-Cola" "Coke". No. 140, Dongting Road, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone 022-25328404 service hotline, telephone Production license number Product standard number: GB/T 10792 Forbid IE to add meter or cold east below 00 022-27361501 2004 THE COCA-COL A COMPANY Ti M. 1 1 030909 ISO 0100
