Details of a can - Labatt




  • Canada







BIERE FORTE 355 ml·STRONG BES BEER distinctive qui descend bien. Elle possède une pleine saveur et renferme 5,6% d'alcool au volume. eaTrOordinairement équilibrée. ICE DEER est une bière LABATK LABATT ICE BEER est la première bière au monde fabriquée lobriquée selon notre procédé unique de brassage. puis à enler puis à enlever ces cristaux au moyen d'une méthode Ce procéde e procédé consiste à abaisser la température au point exclusive. Ce dlusive. Cette méthode donne, à notre avis, une bière URAT BREMING COMPANY LTO. LA BRASSERIE LABATT LTE LONDOK, VANCOUWER ANGOUVER, EOMONTON, SASKATOON, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, SAINT JONA SOHN, HALIFAX, ST. JOKN'S, CANADA UNION MADE FABRICATION SYNOICALE que de fins que de fins cristaux de glace se forment dans la bière, Labatt Labett ICE RECYCLABLE ΒΕR ICE BRE WED LABATT ICE LADATT ICE BEER is the world's first beer brewed with our unique pi aur unique process. During this process, the temperature is reduced u reduced until fine ice crystals form in the beer. Then, Using our e using our exclusive process, the crystals are removed. The result The result, we believe, is a beer with extraordinary balance. balance. ICE BEER is a highly drinkable beer, with a distinctive hl slinctive full flavour, containing 5.6% alcohol by volume. TM BRA BRASSÉE DANS LA GLACE MC BEER /5/8% Ald TM MC Ce procede e procédé consiste à abaisser la température au pol puis à enlere 5,6% alg./y extrodin BarGordinairement équilibrée. ICE BEER" esi one Oistinctive qui descend bien. Elle posséde une bière distinctie pleine sove CCS -3093 o6206738034 +915926

STRONG BEER 355 ml STRONG BES BEER distinctive that goes down well. She owns a full flavor and contains 5.6% alcohol by volume. usually balanced. ICE DEER is a beer LABATK LABATT ICE BEER is the world's first beer lobricated using our unique brewing process. then to remove and then remove these crystals by means of a method This process consists of lowering the temperature to the point exclusive. This dlusive. This method gives, in our opinion, a beer URAT BREMING COMPANY LTO. LABATT LTE LONDOK BRASSERIE, VANCOUWER ANGOUVER, EOMONTON, SASKATOON, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, SAINT JONA SOHN, HALIFAX, ST. JOKN'S, CANADA UNION MADE SYNOICAL MANUFACTURING that fine ice crystals form in beer, Labatt Labett ICE RECYCLABLE ΒΕR ICE BRE WED LABATT ICE LADATT ICE BEER is the world's first beer brewed with our unique pi aur unique process. During this process, the temperature is reduced u reduced until fine ice crystals form in the beer. Then, Using our e using our exclusive process, the crystals are removed. The result The result, we believe, is a beer with extraordinary balance. balance. ICE BEER is a highly drinkable beer, with a distinctive hl slinctive full flavor, containing 5.6% alcohol by volume. TM BRA BREWED IN THE ICE MC BEER / 5/8% Ald TM MC This process consists of lowering the temperature at the pol then to enlere 5.6% alg./y extrodin Bar Ordinarily balanced. ICE BEER "esi one Distinctive that descends well. She owns a beer distinct full sove CCS -3093 o6206738034 +915926
