Details of a can - Semtex




  • Czech Republic







crozice, kofein min. 320 mg s toleranci 20 mg), taurin (4000 mg ioistvi. Nápoj není vhodný pro děti, mladistvé a diabetiky. Nemichat Určeno pro zvláštní výživu. Vhodné probdobi zvýšené fyzické nebo psychické námahy. ENERGETICKÝ NÁPOJ S OBSAHEM KOFEINU TEL 0 322 1399332, 399450 glukuronolakton (2400 mg/), inosit (200 mg, kyseirea oronová (E 330), oxid uhličity, přirodně ident. aromata, barviva karame s alkoholem ! Pasterováno. Skladujte ph teploté od Cc025 C. Nealkoholický nápoj ochucený, sycený CO2 oporucema denni davka Odporučená výživová dávka na den) O,CO,CO,Co,cO Semtex WWw.ENERRGYDRINKS. CZ ENU, TAURINU, GLUKURONOLAKTONU, INOSITU A VITAMÍNŮ 1 plechovka (250ml) obsahuje zhruba tolik kofein jako šálek přefiltrované kávy. Z důvodu zvýšeného množství kofeinu 1 1 NEW Semtex forte ENERGETICKÝ NÁPOJ S OBSAHEM KOR Složení: Voda cukr, dextroza, vitaminora Aboflavin. doporučujeme konzumovat pouze v omezenám ENERGETICKY NAPOJ SYTENÝ S PRÍCHUTOUA DRRANOM KOFEINU, TAURÍNU, GLUKURONOLACTONU, INOSITU A VITAMÍNOV Nápoj určený na celkové povzbudeniecpganizmu. Zloženie: voda, cukor, glukóza, koncenenzáklad, kyselina citrónová, CO2, kofein (320 mg/l), taurin (4000 mall SK glukuronolacton (2400 mg/l), inosit (200 mg), faroua 60. niboflavin, arómy. Aromatizované. Informácia pre spotrebitefov: Výrobokje nevhodnjeredet, tehotné a dojčiace ženy, diabetikov a osoby citlivé na kofeln, trpiace srdcovocievnymi cchoreniami a choróbami traver raktu. Nemiešát a nekonzumovať s alkoholom. Neužívať viac ako 2 balenia denne. Skladovacie podmienky:od0 Cdo2 S0 Dátum výroby : uvedené na obale. Pasterizované. Krajina pôvodu: Česká republika. Dovozca Zent Saoomaia, Sartorisova 17,821 08 Bratislava, tel.: 00421745523648 Distribútor: Distributor: Seagram Slovakia, Nareraste slobody 10, 811 06 Bratislava GB FLAVOURED ENERGY DRINK CONTANITANING CAFFEINE, TAURIN AND VITAMINS Ingredients: Water, sugar glucose, ad taurin (4000 mg/l), carbon dioxide, caffeine (320 mg Glucuronolačton (2400 mg/), inosit (200 mgl), ies colours: E 150, riboflavin, flavours. Not suitable for children diabefics people sensitive to caffeine. Spotřebujte do data uvedeného na obalu Pod velte chlazené / Spotrebujte do: uvedené na obale. Podávajte chladenél Best before: see the date on the can. S Serve chilled. 1 bale aleni % RDA": (250mm) INEL 100 ml % RDA" Nápoj/ nápoj drink/ obsahuje min./contains: Kofein/ Kofein/ caffeine Taurin Glucuronolacton Inosit Niacin/ niacin 60 mng 1000 600 9 50 mg ng 20 32 mg 400 mg 240 mg 20 mg 8 mg 2 mg 2 mg 110 87,5 250 500 44 Kys. panthotenová/ Pantothen acid Vitamin/ Vitamin/ B 6 Vitamin/ Vitamin/ B 12 35 100 200 Veter S.0., Svobodná Ves 50, 7 286 01 CASLAV SKA REPUBLIKA Wrobcal Producer: Energet. hodnota / Energy 196 KJ (46 kcal.)/100 ml. 100 ml nápoje / nápoja obsahuje sacharicy carbohydrates 11 9 Dilkoviny blelkoviny proteins 0 9 tuky/ fat 0 g PINELLI S 250 ml FAX 0420 322 /399310 s připustnou odchyikou 9 ml 00 www.ENEDSYDRIN KS.CZ CO,Co,,,co. 0,CO CO,CO, 2 ENZIIO NEW orte 0214190076S

crosice, caffeine min. 320 mg with a tolerance of 20 mg), taurine (4000 mg ioistvi. The drink is not suitable for children, adolescents and diabetics. Nemichat Designed for special nutrition. Appropriate probdobi increased physical or mental exertion. ENERGY DRINK WITH CAFFEINE CONTAIN TEL 0 322 1399332, 399450 glucuronolactone (2400 mg /), inositol (200 mg, oronic acid (E 330), carbon dioxide, naturally identical aromas, caramel dyes with alcohol! Pasteurized. Store pH at Cc025 C. Soft drink flavored, carbonated with CO2 recommended daily allowance Recommended nutritional dose per day) O, CO, CO, Co, cO Semtex WWw.ENERRGYDRINKS. CZ ENU, TAURINE, GLUCURONOLACTONE, INOSITE AND VITAMINS 1 can (250ml) contains about as much caffeine as a cup of filtered coffee. Due to the increased amount of caffeine 1 1 NEW Semtex forte ENERGY DRINK WITH COR Ingredients: Water sugar, dextrose, vitamin Aboflavin. we recommend consuming only to a limited extent ENERGY DRINKED WITH TASTED CASTURE OF CAFFEINE, TAURINE, GLUCURONOLACTON, INOSITE AND VITAMINS A drink intended for the overall stimulation of organization. Ingredients: water, sugar, glucose, concentration base, citric acid, CO2, caffeine (320 mg / l), taurine (4000 mall SK glucuronolactone (2400 mg / l), inositol (200 mg), 60. niboflavin, flavorings. Flavored. Consumer information: The product is unsuitable, pregnant and breastfeeding women, diabetics and people sensitive to hair, suffering cardiovascular disease and diseases of the traverse of the rectum. Do not mix or consume with alcohol. Do not take more than 2 packing this. Storage conditions: from0 Cdo2 S0 Date of production: stated on the packaging. Pasteurized. Country of origin: Czech Republic. Importer Zent Saoomaia, Sartorisova 17,821 08 Bratislava, tel .: 00421745523648 Distributor: Distributor: Seagram Slovakia, Nareraste slobody 10, 811 06 Bratislava GB FLAVORED ENERGY DRINK CONTANITANING CAFFEINE, TAURIN AND VITAMINS Ingredients: Water, sugar glucose, ad taurine (4000 mg / l), carbon dioxide, caffeine (320 mg Glucuronolactone (2400 mg /), inositol (200 mg / l), and colors: E 150, riboflavin, flavors. Not suitable for children diabefics people sensitive to caffeine. Use by the date stated on the package Under the refrigerated / Use by: indicated on the package. Serve chilled Best before: see the date on the can. S Serve chilled. 1 bale%% RDA ": (250mm) INEL 100 ml % RDA " Drink / beverage drink / contains min./contains: Caffeine / Caffeine / caffeine Taurine Glucuronolactone Inosit Niacin / niacin 60 mng 1000 600 9 50 mg ng 20 32 mg 400 mg 240 mg 20 mg 8 mg 2 mg 2 mg 110 87.5 250 500 44 Kys. panthotenic acid Vitamin / Vitamin / B 6 Vitamin / Vitamin / B 12 35 100 200 Veter S.0., Svobodna Ves 50, 7 286 01 CASLAV THE REPUBLIC OF SKA Wrobcal Producer: Energy. value 196 KJ (46 kcal.) / 100 ml. Contains 100 ml of drink saccharicy carbohydrates 11 9 Proteins proteins proteins 0 9 fats 0 g PINELLI S 250 ml FAX 0420 322/399310 with admissible deviation 9 ml 00 www.ENEDSYDRIN KS.CZ CO, Co,,, co. 0, CO CO, CO, 2 ENZIIO NEW place 0214190076S
