Details of a can - Keli




  • Austria







Osterreichischen Brau-Aktiengesellschaft. Linz. Ostereich Ingredients Snts Sugar, passion fruit juice. lemon juice, CO, -ascorbic-and Inhalt Zucker, Passionsfruchtsaft, Zitrussaft, Kohlen Zitronen Ascorbinsaure, Zuckercouleur, nat. Aroma, Inhalt: 0.33 /KO temeichische Brau-Aktiengesellschaft, Linz. Product of Austria eitric acid, natural flavour. caramel colouring Content: 11.2 f1.0z./33 cl/330 ml/Store in a cool place. Maracuja-Mixlimonade 62F11C MARACUJA-Zisei isch M MARACUJA Die exotische ;" Keli Keli alu Maracuja-Mixlimona Erzeugt und abgefüllt von der Waracuja soft drink Dremeich Ztronen- und KOHI lagern. Piease Produced and canned by Östemeichs Conte Vor Gebraue or Gebrauch sturzen اب الماراکویا الفاكية المار اکویا Jun J صير ماراكويا ، عصير الأسكوربيك ، حامض Possion fruit - an exciting, refreshing o

Austrian brewing company. Linz. Eastern Empire Ingredients Snts Sugar, passion fruit juice. lemon juice, CO, -ascorbic-and Contents sugar, passion fruit juice, citrus juice, coals lemons Ascorbic acid, caramel, nat. Aroma, content: 0.33 / KO Temeichische Brau-Aktiengesellschaft, Linz. Product of Austria eitric acid, natural flavor. caramel coloring Content: 11.2 f1.0z./33 cl / 330 ml / store in a cool place. Passion fruit mix lemonade 62F11C MARACUJA-Zisei isch M MARACUJA The exotic; " Keli Keli alu Passion fruit mixlimona Produced and bottled by the Waracuja soft drink Dremeich Ztronen- and Store KOHI. Piease Produced and canned by Östemeichs Conte Before brewing fall before use اب الماراکویا الفاكية المار اکویا Jun J صير ماراكويا ، عصير الأسكوربيك ، حامض Possion fruit - an exciting, refreshing or similar
