Détails d’une canette - Coca-cola




  • Nouvelle Zélande





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COMPOUND BEVERAGE ERAGE 333ml 13mL RAR 9 400559 001250 Coca-Cola TRADE MARK REGD. Coke TRADE MARK REGD. Sundblom described his Santa Claus as 'somebody who could be your grandaddy and not without human foibles he'd likely stuff an extra orange in your stocking if you left him a Cóke'! (llustration three of six). Sundblom described his Santa Claus as 'somebody who Could be your grandaddy and not without human foibles- he'd likely stuff an extra orange in your stocking if you left him a 'Coke! (IIlustration three of six).

COMPOUND BEVERAGE ERAGE 333ml 13mL RAR 9 400559 001250 Coca-Cola TRADE MARK REGD. Coke TRADE MARK REGD. Sundblom described his Santa Claus as 'somebody who could be your grandaddy and not without human foibles he'd likely stuff an extra orange in your stocking if you left him a Cóke'! (llustration three of six). Sundblom described his Santa Claus as 'somebody who Could be your grandaddy and not without human foibles- he'd likely stuff an extra orange in your stocking if you left him a 'Coke! (IIlustration three of six).
