Détails d’une canette - Waikato




  • Nouvelle Zélande






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WAIKA CELEBRATING WAIKAATO 75 years HERITAGE SERIES THE INNES FAMILY The Innes family is the cornerstone of brewing in the Waikato. In 1865, Charles Innes set up a brewery in Ngaruawahia where he served beer to troops fighting in the Maori Wars. In 1889, his wife purchased the Waikato Brewery. It moved to Bridge Street in 1897. Just two years later, and close to 80 years old, Charles Innes died. However, the Waikato Brewery continued to brew beer in the Waikato for a further 75 vears. SINCE 1925 BITTER BEER BEER TM DR UGICHT 330ml 4% Alc/Vol 330 ml #16839 BREWED & CANNED BY LION BREWERIES. 368 KHYBER PASS ROAD, AUCKLAND CONTACT US ON 0800 10 72 72 Waikato Draught, the region's favourite thirst-quencher, uses special aromatic hops and traditional batch-brewing to produce a distinctive, refreshing taste. 222

WAIKA CELEBRATING WAIKAATO 75 years HERITAGE SERIES THE INNES FAMILY The Innes family is the cornerstone of brewing in the Waikato. In 1865, Charles Innes set up a brewery in Ngaruawahia where he served beer to troops fighting in the Maori Wars. In 1889, his wife purchased the Waikato Brewery. It moved to Bridge Street in 1897. Just two years later, and close to 80 years old, Charles Innes died. However, the Waikato Brewery continued to brew beer in the Waikato for a further 75 vears. SINCE 1925 BITTER BEER BEER TM DR UGICHT 330ml 4% Alc/Vol 330 ml #16839 BREWED & CANNED BY LION BREWERIES. 368 KHYBER PASS ROAD, AUCKLAND CONTACT US ON 0800 10 72 72 Waikato Draught, the region's favourite thirst-quencher, uses special aromatic hops and traditional batch-brewing to produce a distinctive, refreshing taste. 222
