Détails d’une canette - Coca-cola




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四联中国 新饮「可口可乐」汽水的美味配料,水、果葡糖奖白 合品添加剂(二氧化碳、焦糖色、磷酸、咖啡因)、食用香精 营养成分表 厢每100毫升营养素参考值%||姐每100毫升 2% 一糖 10.6克 1射 可口可乐」及“Coke"商标持有人可口可乐公司授权使用商标, 生产商广东太古可口可乐有限公司 (GD) 地址:广州市黄埔大道东 998号 产地:广东省广州市食品生产许可证编号SC10644012 00126 生产商:厦门太古可口可乐饮料有限公司(XM) 地址福建 省厦门市金湖路99号 产地:福建省厦门市 食品生产许可证编号SC 10635020600144 生产日期标于罐底,实际生产商见罐底咳码末 两位英文字母 商品条码由太古中萃发展有限公司持有 电话400 8096868(自付市内话费)产品标准号:GB/T 10792 保质館 12个月贮存条件禁止加热或0℃以下冷冻,避免阳光直晒及高, 该意推荐:3℃左右的「可口可乐」汽水更畅爽怡神。 联水化合物10.6克 4% 180千焦 0克 0% 0克 0% 12毫克 1% 扫码互动 力挺你我 每100毫子 能量 180千億 检验合格 AI 净含量330毫升 Coke. 汽水 奥林匹克全球合作伙伴 奋勇夺金 g 口 ©2020 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 12ウレレLOウ088269

Quadruple China The delicious ingredients of the new drink "Coca-Cola" soda, water, fructose and white Compound additives (carbon dioxide, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffeine), food flavor Nutrition The reference value of nutrients per 100ml in the compartment%||Sister per 100ml 2% 1 sugar 10.6g 1 shot "Coca-Cola" and "Coke" trademark holder Coca-Cola Company authorized the use of trademarks, Manufacturer Guangdong Swire Coca-Cola Co., Ltd. (GD) Address: East Huangpu Avenue, Guangzhou No. 998 Place of Origin: Guangzhou Food Production License Number SC10644012, Guangdong Province 00126 Manufacturer: Xiamen Swire Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. (XM) Address Fujian 99 Jinhu Road, Xiamen City, China Place of Origin: Xiamen City, Fujian Province Food Production License Number SC 10635020600144 The production date is marked on the bottom of the tank, and the actual manufacturer can see the end of the cough code at the bottom of the tank The two-digit English letter product barcode is held by Swire Zhongcui Development Co., Ltd. Tel 400 8096868 (pay for local calls) Product standard number: GB/T 10792 Quality Assurance Hall Storage conditions for 12 months do not allow heating or freezing below 0°C, avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures, What I recommend: "Coca-Cola" soft drinks at around 3°C are more refreshing and refreshing. Hydrogen compound 10.6 g 4% 180 kj 0g 0% 0g 0% 12 mg 1% Scan code interaction Support you and me Per 100 cents energy 180 billion Qualified AI Net content 330ml Coke. Soda Olympic Global Partners Bravely win gold g mouth ©2020 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 12ウレレLOウ088269
