Details of a can - Delirium




  • Belgium







tongue and palate are warmed. roundness. The aftertaste is strong, BIERE BEER Alc. 8,5% Vol TRIPLEPLE FERMENTATION 50cl FORTE STRONG BLOND BEER STRONGB BIERE BLOND BBELIRIUA TREMENS DELIRIUM TREMENS A L'CEIL D'une couleur blonde pâle, son éclat fin et régulier procure un col de mousse fin et stable. KOn éclat col AU NEZ Légèrement maltée, forte touche d'alcool, épicée. EN BOUCHE Un goût d'alcool prononcé qui réchauffe la langue et le palais. Le goût est également caractérisé par sa rondeur. L'arrière-goût est fort, long et sec-amer. abuche qui s Le goût 7 rondeur, sec-amer. COLOUR & SIGHT Pale blond, the fine and regular effer- vesce ensures a fine and stable head. SCENT Slightly malty, a nice touch of alcohol, spicy. FLAVOUR It feels like the sound of alcohol is Ignitting the mouth. In reality the tongue and palate are warmed. The taste is characterized by its plar effer- ale head. h of Hocohol is aity the armed. by its strong, EROUKERD BRASSERE long-lasting and dry bitter. SUNE FOLLOW HUYGHE SUIVEZ L'ÉLÉPHANT ROSE FOLLOW THE PINK ELEPHANT ANNO RSA BELGIAN FAMILY BREWERS BIERE f回ゾ TRIPLER .be ura Brnwed wR water, bWarfery nrnat, hopa. yeaat, ingrochent. un. elto rorso Inppolo, liavito. Zutaten: Wasser, Gersten matz, Hopfen, Hlefe. Osaeatevok. wóviz, arpamaláta, komnió, sorélesztő, ZudIOIKá VEPÓ, Búvn, AUKIOKO, uayd Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie anderaan. A consommer de préfórence avant: voir dessous. Best before: see below. Da consurmarsi preferibilmente entro: vedi sotto. Consumir preferantemente antes de: ver abajo. Para consumir antes de: veja abaixo. Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe unten. Minőségét megőrzi (a jetzett hó végéig/év): lásd alább. 0062009 u 5G92D03C NBa

tongue and palate are warmed. roundness. The aftertaste is strong, BEER BEER Alc. 8.5% Vol TRIPLEPLE FERMENTATION 50cl FORTE STRONG BLOND BEER STRONGB BLOND BEER BBELIRIUA TREMENS DELIRIUM TREMENS A L'CEIL Of a pale blonde color, its radiance thin and regular provides a collar of fine and stable foam. KOn shine collar AT NOSE Slightly malty, strong touch alcoholic, spicy. IN MOUTH A pronounced alcohol taste that warms the tongue and the palate. Taste is also characterized by its roundness. The aftertaste is strong, long and bitter-dry. abuche who s The taste 7 roundness, bitter-dry. COLOR & SIGHT Pale blond, the fine and regular effer- vetch ensures a fine and stable head. SCENT Slightly malty, a nice touch of alcohol, spicy. FLAVOR It feels like the sound of alcohol is Ignitting the mouth. In reality the tongue and palate are warmed. The taste is characterized by its plar effer- ale head. h of Hocohol is aity the armed. by its strong, EROUKERD BRASSERE long-lasting and dry bitter. SUNE FOLLOW HUYGHE FOLLOW THE PINK ELEPHANT FOLLOW THE PINK ELEPHANT ANNO RSA BELGIAN FAMILY BREWERS BEER f 回 ゾ TRIPLE .be ura Brnwed wR water, bWarfery nrnat, hopa. yeaat, ingrochent. a. elto rorso Inppolo, liavito. Zutaten: Wasser, Gersten matz, Hopfen, Hlefe. Osaeatevok. wóviz, arpamaláta, komnió, sorélesztő, ZudIOIKá VEPÓ, Búvn, AUKIOKO, uayd Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie anderaan. Best before: see below. Best before: see below. Da consurmarsi preferibilmente entro: vedi sotto. Consumir preferantemente antes de: ver abajo. To consume antes de: veja abaixo. Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe unten. Minőségét megőrzi (a jetzett hó vegetéig / év): lásd alább. 0062009 u 5G92D03C NBa
