Détails d’une canette - Harboe




  • Danemark





Code Barre:


e fond de la canette Consumir preferentemente antes de: Ver la base Dat Data przydatnosci do spozycia: Na spodzie puszki Geriausias iki : žr. apadine verre: See base of can A consommer de préférence avant le: voir le fond de ALCO COHOL 5% VOLU DME BREWED BEER BEE H 1883 ANNO Harboe 883 ANNO Harboe PREMIUM PREMIUM Harboe Harboe ERI A/S RYGGERI A /S Dat e fo etre WED SINCE 1883 D SINCE 1883 EWED SINCE 1883 ARBOES BRY LAGER LI SING HARBOES Ingredients: Water, barleymalt and hops. Ingrédients: Eau, malt d'orge, houblon. Ingredientes: Agua, malta de cebada, lúpulos. Składniki: woda, słód jeczmienny, chmiel. Sudétis: vanduo, miežių salyklas, apyniai. Brewed and canned by/Brassée et embailée par/ Elaborada y envasada por / Producent/ Gamintojas: Harboes Bryggeri A/S. www.harboes.dk TEL. +45 58168888. Produced in EU HARBOES .A. 48108 RBOES BE 015042 102755 DENMARK e coONTE NTS O.51 50 cl 50 0 ml 5% Alc. vol. Alk. 5.0 tūrio C

e bottom of the can Consumir preferentemente antes de: Ver la la base Dat Data przydatnosci do spozycia: Na spodzie puszki Geriausias iki: žr. apadine glass: See base of can Best before: see the bottom of ALCO COHOL 5% VOLU DME BREWED BEER BEE H 1883 ANNO Harboe 883 ANNO Harboe PREMIUM PREMIUM Harboe Harboe ERI A / S RYGGERI A / S Dat e fo to be WED SINCE 1883 D SINCE 1883 EWED SINCE 1883 ARBOES BRY LAGER LI SING HARBOES Ingredients: Water, barleymalt and hops. Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hops. Ingredients: Agua, malta de cebada, lúpulos. Składniki: woda, słód jeczmienny, chmiel. Sudétis: vanduo, miežių salyklas, apyniai. Brewed and canned by / Brewed and embailée par / Elaborada y envasada por / Producent / Gamintojas: Harboes Bryggeri A / S. www.harboes.dk PHONE. +45 58168888. Produced in EU HARBOES .TO. 48108 RBOES BE 015042 102755 DENMARK e coONTE NTS O.51 50 cl 50 0 ml 5% Alc. flight. Alk. 5.0 tūrio C
