Détails d’une canette - Ind Coope


Ind Coope


  • Royaume-Uni






EXPORCALE By Appointment to Her njesty Tne Queen Drerers of Ale and Lager By Appoint.ment to Her Majesty The Qucen Brewers of Aie snd Lager Ind Coope Limied London By Agpeintment to Her Rajesty The Queen drewer: of Ale and Lager ind Coope Limited London ve Linited Londor we IND COOPE IND COOPE IND COOPE BUR TON BURTO DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPOR ORT DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPORT DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPOR ECI BREWED IN BREWED BREWED IN Registered Trade Mark lince 1876 Registored Fade Mark ehince 1876 Registosnd Frode Morik eli ce 1876 275 ml 9.68 fl oZ ALE IN BUR D GO APLA ONDON BU ALE IND LIMITED LONDON IND LIMI'TED LJNDON LONDON BI ALE LONDON

EXPORCALE By Appointment to Her njesty Tne Queen Drerers of Ale and Lager By Appoint.ment to Her Majesty The Qucen Brewers of Aie snd Lager Ind Coope Limied London By Agpeintment to Her Rajesty The Queen drewer: of Ale and Lager ind Coope Limited London ve Linited Londor we IND COOPE IND COOPE IND COOPE BUR TON BURTO DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPOR ORT DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPORT DOUBLE DIAMOND EXPOR ECI BREWED IN BREWED BREWED IN Registered Trade Mark lince 1876 Registored Fade Mark ehince 1876 Registosnd Frode Morik eli ce 1876 275 ml 9.68 fl oZ ALE IN BUR D GO APLA ONDON BU ALE IND LIMITED LONDON IND LIMI'TED LJNDON LONDON BI ALE LONDON
