Details of a can - Sapporo




  • Japan







Rich taste is produced by carefully-uladhl and by carefully-selected high qu barley and hops. リキュール(発泡性)① ALC.5% リキュール(0 ALC.5% アルミ ●原材料:発泡酒麦芽 ホップ大麦)スピリッ (大麦) ●アルコール分:5% ●内容量:350ml ●東京都渋谷区恵比寿 4-20-1 サッポロピール株式会社 ●製造所固有記号は生差 下段左に記載 ●ロット記号は缶底下段右 に、賞味期限(年月) 造年月旬は缶底に記載 ●お問い合せ先:お客様センター 0120-207800 A注意:缶が破損するおそれが ありますので、衝撃、凍結を避け、 直射日光のあたる車内等習くなる 場所に長時間置かないでください。 ●妊娠中や授乳期の飲酒は、胎果 *乳児の発育に悪影響を与える おそれがあります。 ●飲酒は20歳になってから。 炭酸ガス含有 あきかんはリサイクル あき缶はすてないよう ご協力ください。 SAPPORO SASAPPORO 麦とホッップ 麦ホップ リッチゴールド麦芽 ゴールデンアロマ 一部使用 黒 「ザ·ゴールド熟成製 法」は、原材料の発泡 酒の製造で採用してい る製法です。当社通常 発泡酒に比べ、 熟成 期間の基準を3割長 く、また2段階の温度 管理を実施しています。 黒 Rich Black Ridleh Black laste is produced by carefully-seledte elected high quality barley and hopt. Rich tat i ad by carefully-seleceted Ligh g barley and hops. 100ml当たり栄養成分 エネルギー 48kcal Rich hobs. たんぱく質… 04g 0g 脂質 42g 糖質。 さけ お酒 さけ 位製は) お酒 リキュール(発0 ALC.5% ルド熟成製法] S% [ザ·ゴールド熟成製法】0 食物繊維… 0~03 ナトリウム·… 0-8mg 4 901880869083

Rich taste is produced by carefully-uladhl and by carefully-selected high qu barley and hops. Liqueur (foaming) ① ALC.5% Spirit (0 ALC. 5% Aluminum ● Ingredients: Happoshu malt Hop barley) Spirit (barley) ● Alcohol content: 5% ● Contents: 350ml ● Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 4-20-1 Sapporo Peel Co., Ltd. ● Manufacturing-specific symbols are raw differences Described on the lower left ● Lot code is on the bottom right of the can bottom In addition, the expiration date (year and month) The date of construction is stated on the bottom of the can ● Inquiries: Customer Center 0120-207800 A Note: The can may be damaged Because there is, avoid shock and freezing, Learn about the inside of a car exposed to direct sunlight Do not leave it in the place for a long time. ● Drinking alcohol during pregnancy and lactation is a fetal fruit * Negatively affects infant development There is a risk. ● Drinking alcohol after turning 20 years old. Contains carbon dioxide Akikan is recycled Don't let the empty cans go away Please cooperate. SAPPORO SASAPPORO Wheat and hop Wheat hops Rich gold malt Golden aroma Partially used black "The Gold Aged "Law" is the foaming of raw materials Used in the production of sake It is a manufacturing method. Our company usually Aged compared to low-malt beer 30% longer than the standard of the period Two-step temperature We are implementing management. black Rich Black Ridleh Black laste is produced by carefully-seledte elected high quality barley and hopt. Rich tat i ad by carefully-seleceted Ligh g barley and hops. Nutritional ingredients per 100 ml Energy 48kcal Rich hobs. Protein ... 04g 0g Lipid 42g Sugar. Salmon sake Salmon Sake Spirit (departure 0 ALC.5% Ludo aging method] S% [The Gold Aging Method] 0 Dietary fiber ... 0 ~ 03 Sodium ... 0-8mg 4 901880869083
