Détails d’une canette - Berger




  • Pays-Bas





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e 500ml Al ALC.5% VOL. NOLLAN Berger e HOLLAND Bervwer Lager Lager Pamiem Pamim Pabener Brer lseniner GRÜNE DER This firs! class export bees 'ad fronalty brewed according to Oid Dutch recipe Rest temperature to serve is betweer 8 12°C 45 55 Stere e500ml ALC.5% VOL. YOL. D22F12E e 500ml A ALC.5% VOL. 8 712518 000305 > BREWED AND CANNED UNDER AUTHORITY OF: BIERE BRASSEE ET MISE EN BOITE SOUS CONTROLE DE: BIRRA PRODOTTO E CONFEZIONATA SOTTO L'AUTORITA DI: CERVEZA ELABORADA Y ENVASADE BAJO LA AUTORIDAD DE: GEBROUWEN EN VERPAKT OOR: GEBRAUT UND ABGEFÜLLT VON: PUNKT BERGER COOPERATIEVE BROUWERIJEN B. V. P. O. BOX 1696. 3000 BR ROTTERDAM, HOLLAND. EX. SEC. PRI. 11,3% GL

and 500ml Al ALC.5% VOL. ZERO Berger e NETHERLANDS Bervwer Stock Stock Pamiem Pamim Pabener Brer lseniner GREEN DER This firs! class export bees' ad fronalty brewed according to Oid Dutch recipe Rest temperature to serve is bewitched 8 12 ° C 45 55 Stere e500ml ALC.5% VOL. YOL. D22F12E and 500ml A ALC.5% VOL. 8 712518 000305> BREWED AND CANNED UNDER AUTHORITY OF: BEER BRASSEE ET MISE EN BOITE UNDER CONTROL OF: BIRRA PRODOTTO E CONFEZIONATA SOTTO AUTHORITY DI: CERVEZA ELABORADA Y ENVASADE BAJO LA AUTORIDAD DE: BREWN AND PACKED OVER: BREADED AND FILLED BY: POINT BERGER COOPERATIVE BREWERIES B. V. P. O. BOX 1696. 3000 BR ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. EX. SEC. PRI. 11.3% GL
