Details of a can - Asahi




  • Japan







ASAHI'S ORI ORIGINAL BREW. OHIGINAL TASTE ASAHI'S ORIGINAL BREW pure aultured yeast and o adnr advanced brewing techniques Brewed from quiliulty ingredients by using our Brewed from quality ingredients by win a REFRESHING TASTE STYLEYLE FREE STYLE FREE 木お麦い |問示製的 Lい ペイ ASAHI'S REFRE BREW STE アル あきかんぱリサイクル (お願い) あき缶は捨てない ようご協力ください。 A注意缶が破損す るおそれがあります。 衝撃凍結をさけ、直 射日光の当たる車内 や高温の所に長く置 かないでください。 妊娠中や授乳期の飲 酒は、胎児乳児の発 育に悪影響を与える おそれがあります。 飲酒は20歳になってから。 REFR. Asahii Asisahti スタイルフリー スタイル 1タイルフリー 糖質0 糖類質0ゼロ ゼロ アルミ ごめく 栄養表示基 栄養表示基準による。 栄養表示基準による。 栄養成分表示00m当 エネルギー:24cd ong our pure aulured yeast and our advanced breuing tab niques 発泡酒 たんぱく質:0g 質:0g 脂 質:0g 発泡酒 食物繊維:0-0 ナトリウム:0-2g 麦 ツ 了 熊細茶、カラメル色掛 栄養表示基準に基づき、糖質5g(0当たり)未満を 語質0(ゼロ)としています。 っロわせはお客様相談室まで do20-011-121 1 AZK 町 有記号コット記号、賞味期限(年月)、改造年月旬は缶底に 造者東京都墨田区五口支橋113-1アサレビール株休式会社 分44 4 901004"005731 REW BREW のu 0円 ● 麦芽 感 田 % チ大ロ たし く ASAHI'S

ASAHI'S ORI ORIGINAL BREW. OHIGINAL TASTE ASAHI'S ORIGINAL BREW pure aultured yeast and o adnr advanced brewing techniques Brewed from quiliulty ingredients by using our Brewed from quality ingredients by win a REFRESHING TASTE STYLEYLE FREE STYLE FREE Wood barley | L Pay ASAHI'S REFRE BREW STE Al Akikanpa Recycling (please) Don't throw away cans Please cooperate. A Caution Can is damaged There is a risk of Avoid shock freezing, straight Inside the car in the sunlight Place it in a hot place for a long time Please do not Ka. Drinking during pregnancy and lactation Alcohol is the origin of fetal infants Negatively affect growth There is a risk. drinking is not allowed before 20. REFR. Asahii Asisahti Style free Style 1 tile free Sugar 0 Zero carbs zero Aluminum I'm sorry Nutrition labeling group According to nutrition labeling standards. According to nutrition labeling standards. Nutrition facts label 00m Energy: 24cd ong our pure aulured yeast and our advanced breuing tab niques Low-malt beer Protein: 0g Quality: 0g Fat Quality: 0g Low-malt beer Dietary fiber: 0-0 Sodium: 0-2g Barley bear fine tea, caramel color Less than 5g (per 0) of sugar based on nutrition labeling standards The word quality is 0 (zero). Please contact the Customer Relations Office do20-011-121 1 AZK Town symbol, cot symbol, expiration date (year / month), remodeling date on the bottom of the can Creator 113-1 Goguchi Branch Bridge, Sumida-ku, Tokyo Asare Beer Stock Holiday Company Minute 44 4 901004 "005731 REW BREW U 0 yen ● Malt feeling Ta% Chi Dairo Tashiku ASAHI'S
