Details of a can - Iron City


Iron City


  • United States






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0000 BEER BEER BEER BEER BE BEER GEER BEER BEER GEER Cowpens. On January 17, 1781, General Daniel Morgan of the American forces won a brilliant battle at Cowpens, South Caro- lina. The attacking British sur- rendered when they were' sur- rounded by regiments from Vir- ginia and Georgia, and the Con- tinental Line of Maryland. This flag was carried by the Third Maryland Regiment during this ž important American victory. CITY RO CIT CITY CITY IRO CITY IRO CITY CITY IRO ITY IR CITY RO FLUID OUN CES 12 15201 CONTENTS PITTSBURGH BREWING COMP ANY, PITTSBURGH, PA.

0000 BEER BEER BEER BEER BE BEER GEER BEER BEER GEER Cowpens. On January 17, 1781, General Daniel Morgan of the American forces won a brilliant battle at Cowpens, South Caro- lina. The attacking British sur- rendered when they were' sur- rounded by regiments from Vir- ginia and Georgia, and the Con- tinental Line of Maryland. This flag was carried by the Third Maryland Regiment during this ž important American victory. CITY RO CIT CITY CITY IRO CITY IRO CITY CITY IRO ITY IR CITY RO FLUID OUN CES 12 15201 CONTENTS PITTSBURGH BREWING COMP ANY, PITTSBURGH, PA.
