Details of a can - Cotton Club


Cotton Club


  • United States






COLA COLA I COLA I COLAI OLAI COLA COLA I COLA COLAI COLA 12 FL2 FL. OZS. COTTON (1OTTON CLUB COLA COLA COLA СOTTON CLUB COLA COLA COLA COLA COLA COTTON (COTTON CLUB NO CYCLAMATES 1/2 CALORIE/2 CALORIE PER OZ. SUGAR FREE SUGUGAR FRIFREE IMPROVED) (IMPRO IMPROVED CОTTON ČLUB COTIOTTON CLUBUB COOLA COLA MEL COLORED CARAMEL COLORED CARAMEL COLORED 12 FL. OZS. strict iheir intake of orainarysweets n iavored carbonatedwater, phosphoric acid, sodium citrate, artificial color, preserved with b enzoate of soda. Less than 1/10 of 1% available carbohydrate. Each fluid o unce contains 9.9 mg Calcium Saccharin. COTTON CLUB COLA 1/2 CALORIE PER OZ. COTTON CLUB BOTTLING COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO 44125

COLA COLA I COLA I COLAI OLAI COLA COLA I COLA COLAI COLA 12 FL2 FL. OZS. COTTON (1OTTON CLUB COLA COLA COLA СOTTON CLUB COLA COLA COLA COLA COLA COTTON (COTTON CLUB NO CYCLAMATES 1/2 CALORIE/2 CALORIE PER OZ. SUGAR FREE SUGUGAR FRIFREE IMPROVED) (IMPRO IMPROVED CОTTON ČLUB COTIOTTON CLUBUB COOLA COLA MEL COLORED CARAMEL COLORED CARAMEL COLORED 12 FL. OZS. strict iheir intake of orainarysweets n iavored carbonatedwater, phosphoric acid, sodium citrate, artificial color, preserved with b enzoate of soda. Less than 1/10 of 1% available carbohydrate. Each fluid o unce contains 9.9 mg Calcium Saccharin. COTTON CLUB COLA 1/2 CALORIE PER OZ. COTTON CLUB BOTTLING COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO 44125
