Details of a can - Gatorade




  • Brazil







Tangerina T Tangerina Quando vocd transpira, sou corpe porda Tab elala mais que igua; perde também fuldos e NutriclonallonaI sals minerals. GATORADE mata a sede rapidamente enlo pesa ne estômago. Cada 100ml contém:contém: GATORADE clenticaments formulado para ropor e que Sou corpo pedou, 22.8 28ndo rapidamente absorvido plo organismo. GATORADE reidrata de 6.0g maneira refrescante. Boba GATORADE gelado. 0.0g Ag Antes de Beber. Marter Ratrigerado 0.0g Apde Aberto PRODUZIDO PARA 45.0mg QUAKER RASE LTDA Calorias 22.8 Gatoralte Carboidratos 6.0g Proteínas 0.0g 0.00 Lipídios Sódio 45.0mg Rodovis Proide 10.0mg D Km 224 Garhos-SP CAC. 56.321.448/0003-08 Por. The Ouiar Ous Company P.O. Bax 049003 論ha Potássio 10.0mg QUenciur Para maiores informaçbes sobn est po escreva para o Centro de Informaçhes Consumidor GATORADE Caba Postal 55085 CEP 04799-7, S P Thirst Cicage, L 004-00 Estadon Unidos DE SACAROSE, GLUCOSE, TO DE SODIO, INGREDIENTES: ABUA, XAROPE DE XAROPE DE FRUTOSE, SAL CITRA FOSFATO DE MONOPOTASSIO CONTEM: ACIDO CITRICO, AROMAT NATURAIS E CORANTES ARTIFICIAL COLORIDO ARTIFICIALMENTE TIZANTES PCINS Beba Gelado Conteúdo 343 ml DATA DE VALIDADE VIDE FUNDO DA LATA TA ALIMENTO DIETETICO PARA PESSOAS QUE EXERCEM ATIVIDADES FISICAS

Tangerine T tangerine When you sweat, I'm body porda Tab elala more than equals; also loses fuldos and NutriclonallonaI mineral salts. GATORADE quenches thirst quickly enlo weighs in the stomach. Each 100ml contains: contains: GATORADE clenticaments formulated to break and that I am the body asked, 22.8 28 quickly absorbed by the body. GATORADE rehydrates 6.0g refreshing way. Boba frosty GATORADE. 0.0g Ag Before Drinking. Marter rattled 0.0g Open Apde PRODUCED FOR 45.0mg QUAKER RASE LTDA calories 22.8 cattoral Carbohydrates 6.0g Proteins 0.0g 0.00 Lipids Sodium 45.0mg Rodovis Proide 10.0mg D Km 224 Garhos-SP CAC. 56.321.448/0003-08 Per. The Ouiar Ous Company P.O.Bax 049003 ha Potassium 10.0mg QUenciur For more information under est po write to the Information Center GATORADE consumer Postal Cab 55085 CEP 04799-7, SP Thirst Cicage, L 004-00 United States OF SUCROSE, GLUCOSE, TO OF SODIUM, INGREDIENTS: ABUA, SYRUP FRUCTOSE SYRUP, CITRA SALT MONOPOTASSIUM PHOSPHATE CONTAINS: CITRIC ACID, AROMAT NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL DYES ARTIFICIALLY COLORED TIIZERS PCINS drink ice cream Content 343 ml EXPIRATION DATE SEE CAN BOTTOM OK DIETARY FOOD FOR PEOPLE EXERCISING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES
