Détails d’une canette - Orangina




  • France






Lighty Ce beh N sop ORANGINA et sa pulpe! Erade Menodta testa per120 consommatours de jula a eptembra 2008 on Frence (catágorio: balasans lgai- www.sovaurdolannee.com. Commerclalisé par Oranging Schwagpes Fronce 133 Veor Huga-2309 Lovallois-Parrat Cadax- France. Fabriqué avec Kautorisation du propriétotra de la marque. Servico consommateus: Orangina Schweppes France - CS 80491- 13593 Ala-en-Provente Cadar J-Franca (lndiquer fa date et la numáro du lo Inscrits sur la fond dea la bolte). www.orangina. OR 09 112 ÉCHANTILLON GRATUIT, NE PEUT ÈTRE VENDU ORANGINA stsapulpel etsa pulpe! Balsson geose ratraichiss vecedulcarents. Ingradleets : eau gotáillee. a moyuanes: ongeures ogremes a bese de concantres 12 (orenge 10%, citron, pompleousse, mandarine) Lnergi (heal): palpe d'orags 2%, etran de seste d oronge aromes Proletnes eaturale, dulcormateovpaneme t aguffams K. Cutdee Valeors sutriffonnelles thitadder Apy B u

Lighty This beh N sop ORANGINA and its pulp! Erade Menodta testa per120 consummatours de jula a eptembra 2008 on Frence (category: balasans lgai- www.sovaurdolannee.com. Commercialized by Oranging Schwagpes Fronce 133 Veor Huga-2309 Lovallois-Parrat Cadax- France. Made with Authorization of the brand owner. Servico consumateus: Orangina Schweppes France - CS 80491- 13593 Ala-en-Provente Cadar J-Franca (indicate the date and the number of the Inscribed on the bottom of the bolte). www.orangina. OR 09 112 FREE SAMPLE, CANNOT BE SOLD ORANGINA stsapulpel and its pulp! Balsson geose ratraichiss vecedulcarents. Ingradleets: gotáillee water. in moyuanes: ogremes in bese de concantres 12 (10% barley, lemon, pompleousse, mandarin) Lnergi (heal): palp of orags 2%, etran de seste d oronge aromas Proletnes eaturale, dulcormateovpaneme t aguffams K. Cutdee Sutriffonal Values thitadder Apy B u
