Détails d’une canette - Dreher




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ne to quento pervenuto entro i 14-12-93. ADESSO VINCI & SCEGLI SU POSTALMARKET ple 500 MILIONI'do spendere come wai sl catlgo OREMER Dreher NER PILS ato la linguetto rovi ote vncerle invidla, con A pe roccomandata a DREHER CP. 197 -20052 M, Eceverai 1 cctalogo nertate uno dei 4.000 buo- L180.000 da sperdere come vuoL Se non hai vinte, nelb guefe Dreher in but ds CP. 999- 2015 MA Putai vat ue buoni Postalnort L 1.000.000 ie poie t. estazioni del 30-893e del1 e he) POSTALMARKET

it was received by 12-14-93. NOW WIN & CHOOSE UP POSTALMARKET ple 500 MILLION'do spend like wai sl catlgo OREMER Dreher NER PILS ato the brambles tongue ote vncerle envy her, with To pe recommended to DREHER CP. 197 -20052 M, You will receive 1 catalog nert one of the 4,000 good L180.000 to be lost as you wish If you didn't win, nelb guefe Dreher in but ds CP. 999- 2015 MA Putai vat ue Postalnort vouchers L 1,000,000 ie poie t. Estations of 30-893e of 1 and he) POSTALMARKET
